Not sure what prefex to stick on this one, so just went with New Content, since it involves the new zones.
[12349] Rat Electro-Realty
Preference lastEncounter changed from ICE man to parental controls
Encounter: parental controls
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20250105081354 to 20250105081417
Preference _lastCombatActions changed from sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542;sk7542; to
Round 0: Rick Tyger wins initiative!
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Brain Silo. You train picks up some fresh brain!
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 9639 to 9640
Round 1: You gain 713 Magicalness
Preference lastAdventureTrail changed from Everything-Environment Academia to Rat Electro-Realty
Round 1: Rick Tyger executes a macro!
Server returned response code 500 for fight.php
Familiar weight: KoL = 23 KoLmafia = 22
Preference sweat changed from 40 to 42
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 165 to 166