Send my items to collectors!


So, my clan has a large list of people that collect things, and we all like to help eachother out. So I wrote a script that will send any of the items in the list to the collector that is listed. I initially had a program that would spit out the list, but I've changed it so that it is no longer needed.

Anyway, let me know if you see any improvements I can make. I've attached the map that I created for my clan, but creating your own list in an excel file and copy-pasting back into the notepad map shouldn't be an issue. Just for perspective, I've attached the old script, so you can see what it used to look like.

EDIT: Pulled the list, put 'em back up in a few.

EDIT: Yay! Back up!

EDIT: I've uploaded the spreadsheet I use as well. The first column contains a formula
=COUNTIF($B$1:<currentCell>, "playername") - 1
This will generate the correct index number, and allow you to add other collectors in the middle of the list without having to readjust all of the numbers manually.

