There is precisely one place in KoLmafia where semirareLocation is set - KoLCharacter.registerSemirare. That method unavoidably sets the semirare window counters. Which is to say, "when that semirare was found, the counters should have been set to indicate the semi-rare window" is not, actually, "the problem". That happened.
I'd have to say that the "the problem" is that the counters got cleared some time later.
The semirare window counters are cleared in two places: when you eat a fortune cookie and when you eat an optimal dog. In both cases, the fortune cookie counter is set. If that counter expires and you do not get a semirare, you will end up with neither the semirare window counters nor the fortune cookie counters, as in your case. Now, 130 turns is too soon after turn 749 to miss a fortune cookie - unless you ate an optimal dog and did not get a semirare.
I see the following possibilities:
- You ate an optimal dog and did not pick up your fortune cookie. That would make this Not a Bug
- You (or a script) did something to clear the counters. Ditto.
- Somehow, KoLmafia lost your counters. I've never seen that. If you can reproduce it, I can look further. If not, this becomes Cannot Reproduce.
For now, I'll just Wait for Info.