Ah, yes, another in the line of UberLazy scripts from muffins.
A simple script designed to keep only one of certain types of equipment on hand. It checks your currently equipped items, inventory, and closet, adds up the total of the specified item, and autosells any amount over 1 (removing items from closet if necessary).
As of right now, it only includes the following items (mostly quest related):
7-foot dwarven mattock
cold ninja mask
extreme mittens
extreme scarf
filthy corduroys
filthy knitted dread sack
furry pants
icy-hot katana
knob goblin elite helm
knob goblin elite pants
knob goblin elite polearm
knob goblin harem pants
knob goblin harem veil
miner's helmet
miner's pants
ninja hot pants
snowboarder pants
stuffed shoulder parrot
swashbuckling pants
wolf mask
It will also print a report in the gCLI showing what you have and don't have, and where you have it, if you do have one.
WARNING: I have no idea what this will do if you have multiple items in this list equipped (obviously mainly applicable to accessories, but to weapons as well for DFSS havers)... it might actually continue running, since I only do a have_equipped check and make that equal 1. Side effects may include errors, tantrums, super rad explosions, and embarassing rashes. If it does break somehow, and anyone has a better way to handle this stuff, feel free to contribute a snippet.
Also, if anyone has other relevant items they'd like to see in this (note, no, this is not going to be a "sell all except 1 of every item in the kingdom" script, this is for equipment only, and SHOULD only be for items that are vital to your ascension), feel free to suggest them.
A simple script designed to keep only one of certain types of equipment on hand. It checks your currently equipped items, inventory, and closet, adds up the total of the specified item, and autosells any amount over 1 (removing items from closet if necessary).
As of right now, it only includes the following items (mostly quest related):
7-foot dwarven mattock
cold ninja mask
extreme mittens
extreme scarf
filthy corduroys
filthy knitted dread sack
furry pants
icy-hot katana
knob goblin elite helm
knob goblin elite pants
knob goblin elite polearm
knob goblin harem pants
knob goblin harem veil
miner's helmet
miner's pants
ninja hot pants
snowboarder pants
stuffed shoulder parrot
swashbuckling pants
wolf mask
It will also print a report in the gCLI showing what you have and don't have, and where you have it, if you do have one.
WARNING: I have no idea what this will do if you have multiple items in this list equipped (obviously mainly applicable to accessories, but to weapons as well for DFSS havers)... it might actually continue running, since I only do a have_equipped check and make that equal 1. Side effects may include errors, tantrums, super rad explosions, and embarassing rashes. If it does break somehow, and anyone has a better way to handle this stuff, feel free to contribute a snippet.

Also, if anyone has other relevant items they'd like to see in this (note, no, this is not going to be a "sell all except 1 of every item in the kingdom" script, this is for equipment only, and SHOULD only be for items that are vital to your ascension), feel free to suggest them.