Bug - Not A Bug seasonal swagger not tracked with 'swagger'


I only pvp for the swagger. Last season I went after black bart's skill. This season I've been gunning for Holiday Hal's skill.

So... I type 'swagger' in the GCLI. I'm under the impression that this is a native mafia activity, and not a script I downloaded. (If I'm wrong, I'm sorry)

I am using v16.5 r14391.

When I type 'swagger' it continues to increment my swagger total (availableSwagger) but it does not increase my seasonal swagger (holidaySwagger) unless and until I check the swagger shop in the relay browser. (I use "prefref swagger" to check this)

I understand this is and should be a low-priority thing. But I thought I'd bring it up.
I'm pretty sure that's the only sane way to handle it, since the alternative is that it keeps incrementing after the holiday season is over. I'm also pretty sure that pirateSwagger was tracked the same way. This setting will be most useful for people wondering in 3 months how much pirate and holiday swagger they earned, assuming it's relevant if/when another of these seasons comes along.