

Is there a way to have the searchmall function search only the cheapest 5 rates.... I'm tired of searching for items and getting 20 responces with ridiculous prices (like millions for low lvl items.) I know that you cant set it to only show prices under a certain amount, cause that leads to mall-botting.

If this also had mall botting problems associated, then just let me know, I'll totally understand, i was just wanting to know if there was something that would make this feature a bit more manageable for me.

as a side note, thanks everyone for all the help I've gotten with my odd questions.
Thanks Hol for the Help

one thing, if i type
Searchmall Delicious spicy noodles with limit

it bugs out, but all searches after that does have limit of 5 on it (which is good) so im just wondering if this is expected, and if you want the debug log, who do i send it to?
... Haha.  It looks like phpbb changed what I typed into something else.

searchmall [item] with limit [#]