Searching the Mall


New member
Is there a function you can use to get a list of the prices at the mall?

I want a script to buy some items, but I want it to check the price first, so it doesn't spend too much if there isn't anything cheap enough in the mall.

Simply getting the lowest price would be there a way to do this?

Alternatively, is there a way to specify a price to not go over when calling buy?

Sorry I don't believe there is a function that does this for you, although there are possibly some workarounds I haven't tried them and I have my suspicions that Hola would of patched the work around I'm thinking of anyway. But these types of functions are disabled for the reason that it would allow mallbot scripts to be far too easily made using KoLMafia scripting.
ahh well, I came up with a workaround...

  • [li]1. remember my_meat[/li]
    [li]2. buy a single item[/li]
    [li]3. check change in my_meat[/li]
    [li]4. if that was more than I wanted to buy, don't buy any more, if it was an okay price, go back to 1...[/li]
    [li]5. repeat until I have as many of that item that I wanted (below a specific price...)[/li]

not completely ideal, but better than nothing...