Scrolls script: Not Ready, help requested.

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New member
So here's all I know:

There was a request for a script that could handle a Rampaging Adding Machine (RAM for short), crafting scrolls as necessary. I've attached an early version of the script necessary to handle it.

The existing weaknesses of this version are:

I don't know how ending combat will affect this script. If the RAM explodes upon creation of a 64735 scroll, I don't know if the script will flail about, trying to use scrolls in the wrong combat.

There's nothing to handle a surviving RAM. If you run out of scrolls, and it isn't dead, I have no idea what to do. And this could happen, with a small supply of scrolls, or a full set of hockey sticks.

The system for deciding when to produce a 64735 scroll is seriously flawed. Right now, it checks to see if you have a 64735 scroll, a drywall axe, or a facsimile dictionary. But it's possible to use all of them up and still want to use this script - for example, picking up filthy lucre while powerleveling to 30.

In short, don't download this unless you want to use the code for something, you want to make improvements to it, or you just want to see what I did. It is not ready for use.


Hola to the rescue!

Revision 4441 - Add untested special handling for adding machine
Revision 4456 - Fix adding machine handler
Revision 4463 - Allow adding machine handler to override ccs

So...yea, I think mafia, no matter what you are doing will take of it for you (so no hassling of handling all those cases you mentioned :)). However, this is only in the daily builds right now, so you'll have to use those or wait till the next release, whenever that may be.
Check out this script, I got it from KiraCatgirl and have been using it as a basis for my own sets of "Throw multiple items due to ambidextrous funk slinging".

In this script I only fixed a few small errors and I did not bother to comment it because it was so strait-forward, thought I did set the indenting to be a bit easier to read, otherwise it was all KiraCatGirl.

My biggest issue currently is getting the Consult function to work with it. Although this script works just fine when run by hand, the consult function is throwing an error.

My theory on the script in general is it's an "add to custom combat" script, so you try consulting the script for several turns, and get 'twiddle your thumbs' if you can't do anything, and then you just put in "attack with weapon" or tell it to consult some other script, since it only runs a max of 4 times per adding machine.


Mafia doesn't seem to be throwing scrolls at the adding machines automagically. I have 11.4. Is there a preference I need to set somewhere?
You need to add the scrolls to your objectives. KoLmafia will look at that list to determine what scroll you actually want and build the scroll accordingly. In the next release, if nothing is set, KoLmafia will just make 668 scrolls to make the auto-building functionality a little bit more obvious.
[quote author=holatuwol link=topic=1111.msg5631#msg5631 date=1187980267]
You need to add the scrolls to your objectives. KoLmafia will look at that list to determine what scroll you actually want and build the scroll accordingly. In the next release, if nothing is set, KoLmafia will just make 668 scrolls to make the auto-building functionality a little bit more obvious.

A couple of days ago, I did the Chasm, I think using the autofill conditions (though it is possible they were manually set based on a 1 or 2 lowercase N decision). When I got to the adding machine, I had 2 30669 scrolls and at least enough 33398 and 334/668 scrolls to make both a 64735 and 31337 scroll. KoLmafia didn't behave like I think it should by default. I know that the 31337 scroll isn't part of the autoconditions, so this isn't doesn't violate what you said above, and isn't a bug report per se.

What KoLmafia did was

  • [li]make 1 64067 scroll, [/li]
    [li]then another 64067 scroll, [/li]
    [li]then (maybe a 668 scroll in between -- I don't remember if I had already met the adding machine and gotten 668s or not) it made a 64735 scroll (as requested by the conditions setting).
At this point, I don't remember if the fight ended, or if it tried to make another 64735. But much to my chagrin, it was now impossible to make a 31337 scroll, even though I had enough of 334/668s necessary.

So a request. Can you improve the logic so that KoLmafia only creates 1 64067 scroll in response to the condition of 1 64735 scroll?

It would be nicer if KoLmafia also tried to make a 31337 scroll after making the 1 64735 scroll. I will make the 31337 if I have the materials on hand when I get an adding machine. But in hardcore, I'm not going to stick around until I get the 31337 (and therefore I'm not putting it in my conditions). But I think I understand why you want to minimize the default behavior, since people will want to do different things with the adding machine depending on skills and where they are in the game. So just making the 64735 and then aborting the combat to the mini-browser would afford everyone the ability to make whatever the most appropriate decision is at that moment.

[quote author=Mighty Xerxes link=topic=1111.msg5634#msg5634 date=1187988878]
So a request.  Can you improve the logic so that KoLmafia only creates 1 64067 scroll in response to the condition of 1 64735 scroll?  

Sort of. I can make it so that KoLmafia will only ever create 1 64067 if the 64067 scroll is not in your conditions list, which does what you want, but not specifically what you're requesting.

[quote author=Mighty Xerxes link=topic=1111.msg5634#msg5634 date=1187988878]
It would be nicer if KoLmafia also tried to make a 31337 scroll after making the 1 64735 scroll.

I don't think the adding machine has enough HP for this to matter, but I guess 31337s are more desirable than 668s, so I'll let that be the default when no conditions are set.
At most an adding machine can only take (I think) 4 hits, so, there will never be a time when you're trying to do a speed run and end up with a 31337 scroll unless you are looking to do that.

Hot, I think you need to treat the adding machine like you do with a multiple choice adv.  set a drop-down, to have "Build 668 scrolls" "Build 31337 Scrolls" "Build 64735 Scrolls" "Complete the ROTFLMAO Quest" "Complete the 31337 Quest" and "Complete the ROTFLMAO Quest AND the 31337 quest" or something similar.


Edit by holatuwol: It sounds like this thread isn't talking about CCS anymore, and it's instead turning into a "how to add preferences" thing, and ... while I'm open to suggestions on how to "improve" a feature, I've made it clear on more than a few dozen occasions that I absolutely despise adding preferences. Given that this is a situation where you can create your own preferences using scripts, it only makes the suggestion even more eyeroll-inducing.  So, this thread is locked.
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