Well I suppose this could be put in the general section if anyone feels it should be in there since it doesn't have to really do with anything productive... just embarrassing//annoying headdesk moments in scripting!
Just wondering if anyone has those moments
Feel free to share if you do.
A recent moment to share with you, this happened while I was writing up that update to my "TradeBot" script... EVILLL
KolMafia Version: 9.3 Official Release.
Script: TradeBot.ash
Heh... well I just spent easily upto 30 minutes trying to debug this thing here...
Mafia was throwing me the error:
Line 1 because I separated the whole function and stuck it into a new file after about 20 minutes of failing to figure out what was wrong with it...
... xD yeah I can NOT believe it took me that long to realise I was missing the "string" and "int" in it...
Fixed Code:
0_o I repeat... EVILLL
(Heheh but funny in the end)
PS. No I don't want the error message changed, it's incredibly obvious once you have the line singled out... well its usually obvious... >> 2, 3 hour exams kill my brain... XD Besides there wouldn't be amusing headdesk moments if all the debug messages were perfect =D , and personally headdesk moments are exactly what I need after a long stretch of coding >> Helps with remembering simple mistakes more then a accurate error in my opinion and plus it's highly amusing once you figure it out
So once again, I encourage people to post their own "Headdesk" moments here!
Just wondering if anyone has those moments

A recent moment to share with you, this happened while I was writing up that update to my "TradeBot" script... EVILLL

KolMafia Version: 9.3 Official Release.
Script: TradeBot.ash
Heh... well I just spent easily upto 30 minutes trying to debug this thing here...
void FailResponse( OfferNum, OfferPlayer)
')' Expected at line 1 in file
... xD yeah I can NOT believe it took me that long to realise I was missing the "string" and "int" in it...
Fixed Code:
void FailResponse( string OfferNum, int OfferPlayer)

PS. No I don't want the error message changed, it's incredibly obvious once you have the line singled out... well its usually obvious... >> 2, 3 hour exams kill my brain... XD Besides there wouldn't be amusing headdesk moments if all the debug messages were perfect =D , and personally headdesk moments are exactly what I need after a long stretch of coding >> Helps with remembering simple mistakes more then a accurate error in my opinion and plus it's highly amusing once you figure it out

So once again, I encourage people to post their own "Headdesk" moments here!