Script timing?


Is there any way to record how long (in minutes) it takes to fully execute a script?

If so, is it possible to save "my_name() + script completion time + date" to a .txt file? Add it to the end of it and the file would pretty much be a list... Example:
 1. ZammyWarrior  10 min date
2. ZammyWarrior  7 min date
3. ZammyWarrior  30 min date
4. ZammyWarrior  18 min date
I, too, would love such a feature. For one thing, I've been wanting to test the execution speed of my custom combat script, and a few other large scripts that I am using. It would let me test out various different techniques, and see if any of them are hugely more inefficient that others.

Hardly an essential function, I know, but I would still find it very useful. A more useful alternative that could be used for the same goal would be some kind of current_systime() that would return the POSIX time. This would satisfy many time related requests that have been made recently, with a single function. (what time is it now? how long until rollover? how long did this script take to run? when did this script finish? how long is this for loop taking? do I save/lose execution time by reading this map from a file, and if so, how much? how long does it take to read an n-dimensional map from a file, with X 'rows'?).