Script Request!


New member
Hey, I was just wondering whether there could be a script that allows you to:
Take 3000 meat from rumpus room (Tree, Bush and Orchid)
Spend all adventures at the lemon party slot
Put all fruits (jumbo olives, cherries, oranges, lime and lemons) into clan stash

My clan collects fruits =)

I'll pay you 1 mil if the script works for me >_>
But I'll need about a week to get back to you.
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Thanks! I'm testing it out now, if it works, I'll be paying up in 3~5 days (IGN please)

EDIT: It works =) thnks <3
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Well, I was going to create my own fruity script, but it is too overwhelming for me. hehe. Anyways, I want the script to do the exact same thing Josh wanted it to do, except I wanted it to send the fruitzies to my friend moon98 who collects the fruits. ;) Of course, I tried changing it to use csend, but I just screwed the script up! Can you please post another copy that will instead send all the fruits to my friend?
