Feature Satisfy "choiceadv" goals in the relay browser, too


Well-known member
I'm fairly sure goals were not originally intended for use in relay play, so I marked this as a feature request rather than a bug.

However, as I've been working on my fight.ash relay override script, I've found plenty of cases where it's useful to know about your current goals even during relay play.

Mafia correctly accounts for most goals which are satisfied during relay play, such as items. However, it does not reduce the number of current choiceadv goals after you encounter a choiceadv in the relay browser.

I don't know if this is possible, but it would be great if it did!
I've been playing in the relay browser for a long time and never desired this feature.

Could you please explain how it will make my life better? Is this because I can lose count of how many more choiceadventures I need?
Also, if for some reason you decide to mix automated and relay adventuring, say, automating while you have some effect and manually adventuring while it's off (or vice versa), you can see how close you are and your automated adventuring will still stop at the right point despite your bizarre mix. :)
In my case, I have a mood which maximizes +noncombats if I have choiceadv goals, for one. I don't always remember to head back to the CLI to clear goals before continuing manual play.

ETA: The main reason is simply that a goal was, in fact, met. I find accuracy a worthwhile goal in itself, regardless of whether or not it improves my life.
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Satisfy choiceadv goals in relay play

When you set item goals, they are satisfied the moment you acquire an item, regardless of whether you are playing in the relay browser, automating combat, or using an item that contains your goal. The same is not true for "choiceadv" goals, however, which is something that's been niggling at me for a while now as I seek to meld CLI and relay play via BatMan RE.

If you set a choiceadv goal and come across a choice adventure in the relay browser, the goal remains. I'd like mafia to recognize that you satisfied your goal.

It seems that at the moment a more concerted effort is underway to make mafia more knowledgeable about noncombat adventures, so I felt now was a good time to mention this. Thank you.
I see that GenericRequest.handleServerRedirect() calls ChoiceManager.processChoiceAdventure() on line 2035 (as of 12140), which results in the appropriate call to GoalManager.updateProgress( GoalManager.GOAL_CHOICE ). Up at line 1958 there's
		if ( this instanceof RelayRequest )
			return true;
preventing that function call from being reached. It looks like there's a lot going on there, so the fix will not be straightforward (unless someone already knows how all of that code is supposed to work), but that's a starting point at least.
Crap, sorry guys, this is a duplicate of this thread, where I made the exact same request over a year ago.

The forum search, by default, shows only posts made within the last year and I hadn't realized that. Sorry to post a dupe.