Feature - Implemented Salsaball & Spaghetti Spear


Now that these two spells are 0mp for their own class, I would like to request that they not get grayed-out on mafia's combat button bar when you're out of MP as said class, if this isn't a horrible hacky* headache (and other things that start with an "h").


*Not trying to imply anything, just in the mood for alliteration. ;)
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If I'm reading this correctly in StationaryButtonDecorator, IsEnabled is set (allowed, not disabled) if SkillDatabase.GetMPConsumptionById <= current MP. So if you're going to use less or equal amounts of MP, you're fine... Most likely, they're disabled because the KoLmafia data files aren't aware about their cost...?

Actually, it's that SkillDatabase.GMCBI doesn't know that these are (apparently now?) cheaper in-class... Shouldn't be hard to make possible, if this is a new change.

Okay, this patch should make those two spells free in-class. I can't test it currently, but it should work...


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Personally I would hold off on this until Jick officially announces it as done, since I thought this feature was marked public by accident.
It's been part of mafia for a while. Not every change to the game has ever gotten an official announcement.
What's been a part of mafia? The 0 cost skills? I don't see that in mine without the patch I made above...
This is apparently official now, and includes all initial combat skills, while in that class.
October 05, 2010 - All starting combat skills have had their MP cost removed if you are the appropriate class for the skill.

Spun a new patch for this... Was going to do a check for skillId == ( KoLCharacter.classSkillsBase() + 20 ) which would have done the proper skill for each class with a single check...

If the skills had consistent numbers. :( The mystical classes are regular, but the others are all sorts of chaos. Anyways, patch put together. Not sure if there's a quick check for 'starting class skill' or if there even should be. Think it would be wasted, not used outside this check...

