Rufus and Shadow Rift Quest Automations

There seem to be an awful lot of preferences to do with the Shadow Rifts, and I've not quite figured out how I can automate things yet. So far, I've just got

    if (get_property("_shadowForestLooted") == true) {
        set_property( "choiceAdventure1500", "2" );
    } else {
        set_property( "choiceAdventure1500", "3" );

to correctly visit the shadow forest if I get that adventure.

Has anyone got any scripts in the works as a starting point for me, perhaps?
I’m working on a script, but am only at the “specification” stage, so far. I.e. no actual code yet.

I’ve been busy with other things, but I need it for VMF, so it is next up.
Can anyone help me automate starting an artifact quest with Rufus? I've tried:
use(1, $item[closed-circuit pay phone]) run_choice(2);
but that halts my script and leaves me with an unsupported choice adventure and a click to continue in relay browser.

Second try was
string startQuest = (use(1, $item[closed-circuit pay phone])); run_choice(2);
but that doesn't help, either.