Request: Detailed castle farming script


New member
I think this would be pretty simple, but I'm an ASH noob, and can't script so well.
What I need is a script that would do the following:
Buy 1 milk of magnesium, and use it.
Buy 3 rat appendix chow meins, and eat them.
Buy 4 neuromancers, and drink 3 of them.
Buy 2 pumpkin beers, and drink them.
Buy 4 agua de vidas, and use 3 of them.
Buy 1 mojo filter, and use it.
Use the last agua de vida.
Spend all the adventures I have in The Castle.
Sell all castle loot, except for the Warm Subject gift certificates.
Use all the Warm Subject gift certificates.
Drink the last neuromancer.

I'm happy to pay for this script, but please offer a (reasonable) price before.
If you want to do this for free, your welcome to.
Thanks, KingOfWartowers
Buy 1 milk of magnesium
use 1 milk of magnesium
Buy 3 rat appendix chow mein
eat 3 rat appendix chow mein
Buy 4 neuromancer
drink 3 neuromancer
Buy 2 pumpkin beer
drink 2 pumpkin beer
Buy 4 agua de vida
use 3 agua de vida
use 1 mojo filter
use 1 agua de vida
Use the last agua de vida.
adv * Giant's Castle
use * Warm Subject gift certificate
autosell * heavy D, Original G, disturbing fanfic, furry fur
autosell * wolf mask, awful poetry journal, thin black candle
autosell * chaos butterfly, plot hole, probability potion, procrastination potion
autosell * angry farmer candy, giant needle, Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub, rave whistle
overdrink neuromancer

Try this, it will probably abort with an error somewhere and we'll correct it.

EDIT: I forgot. Save the code in a text file in Mafia's /script folder, rename it to "farm.cli", and type "call farm.cli" in the gCLI.
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Some tips to improve: I assume you probably have a favorite farming outfit. Put "outfit <name>" before the castle adventuring part, and it will always be donned before adventuring. Likewise, if you have a mood or custom combat setting, you can add those in. Likely you aren't changing them, but if you did go play elsewhere with different settings, it'd be nice for the script to switch back automatically.

Also! If you add in the outfit stuff, you could also tack "maximize adv -tie" on to the end of the script, and mafia will equip the best +adv rollover gear you have.
Sorry, this has nothing to do with the scripting, but why autosell masks and needles when you can pulverize them for bigger profit ( as far as I'm concerned ) ?
Had a small error- you didnt add the 'buy mojo filter' command, but thanks again.
Oh, right... sorry =)

I allow Mafia to buy from the mall (Preferences -> General -> Buy items from the mall whenever necessary), so I can simply do "use 1 mojo" and it will buy it automatically.
True... or you could put // in front of it and leave it as a comment, but... as it stands, it's a great killer. :D
Oops, sorry!

It was a half-baked attempt to show that hislist could be turn it into a CLI script almost as-is. I left that line... for educational purposes!

@kingofwartowers: Thanks for the 20k! I didn't ask for anything because you had *almost* posted a script already.
I used to use the izchak_castlefarm.ash

since forever really. I'm starting to worry that some of it may be out of date by now, or there might be a new better standard castle farm script. (specially the buff bots it attempts to get ode from, and a better diet optimizer then preset chow meins and ACD)

In fact I couldn't even find izchak script on the net anymore so i assume its not supported. Is there a new standard castle farm script i should be looking into setting up?