Request: DemonStar & SpaceTrip


New member
Not so much a request, as really a query. Does anyone think it's possible to do scripts for these two?

Oh, who am I kidding, PLEASE someone, make two scripts for these two game!!


So you want scripts that'd think for you? It's almost like optimizing ascensions on a smaller scale. I guess it could be done, but most of us don't really have any motivation for doing so (I, for one, have already beaten the games at least once each, and everyone knows that Dungeon Fist is optimal for tickets... =P). And even if one hadn't already beaten the games, it'd be a heck of a lot faster to just play the game instead of figuring out optimal logic.

I'm pretty sure this post from the main forums should help you for Space Trip, though. But for DemonStar, I guess you're on your own.
Thank you Bale, for an adult, and non abusive answer. Heeheehee, so I may be wrong, but your entire answer seemed to me to just be one big snarl at me, for daring to ask something, and not being entirely serious in my asking.

Hmm I'm just wondering if I've insulted you before, but to answer, partially two points you make. "So you want scripts that'd think for you?" - Have you NOT noticed that this is Kingdom of Loathing Mafia we are talking about here?? Tell me where the thinking is in merely logging in, and then pressing an arrow down and then pressing the begin button?

And frankly, with the amount of tickets I have, I'm NOT really caring about the fact "Dungeon Fist is optimal.." I have MORE than enough tickets thank you! I'm sick of playing two games that were just starting to get annoying, and thought I'd share my moans in a way that'd get me some CONSTRUCTIVE help, and views about Mafia'ing them.
Space Trip would be very difficult to make an optimal script for. With Meteoid and DemonStar, they unfold differently each time, but you really don't vary your strategy at all. There's much more adaptation to the outcome of events that happen as you go through Space Trip, and thus it wouldn't be easy to script so that you win every time, as you'd need to put a lot of decision making logic into the script.
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It'd be a fun project to script any of the "hard" games - Meteoid, Space Trip, Demon Star.
But, I am confused about one thing.

- If you want to maximize getting Game Grid Tickets, just get 30 per token in Dungeon Fist! via a script.
- If you want to play an interesting game with actual strategy and decisions, play one of the "hard" games in the Relay Browser.
- But, you then say two things which seem to contradict each other: You say "I'm sick of playing two games that were just starting to get annoying", which is a reason to automate, I guess, but you also say "I have MORE than enough tickets thank you!" which is a reason to play games for fun in the Relay Browser.

If the games are "getting annoying" in the Relay Browser, then don't play them! But you want to keep playing them via automation because ... why, exactly?

If you think that you can consistently get more than 30 tickets in the "hard" games by automating, then, cool: you don't have to play the "annoying" games by hand any more, and you can still get lots of tickets, except ... you have "MORE than enough tickets", so... why do you want to automate these games?
I was assuming he couldn't win them at all and wanted to win once, so that he could purchase the special prizes. That put this in a category like the Dwarven War Outfit where someone wants a script to grant them optional content they're having trouble earning on their own.
Veracity, it's as Bale says. I want to complete the games at least once, so that I can get the extra items from the Ticket counter. I guess I'll just take a break from playing them for a while, and hopefully when I go back all refreshed, and delighful, I'll be able to complete them.
I think that will be your best bet. There is just no motivation for writing the script since nobody would use it for farming tickets and it would be very difficult to create said script.

I can understand where you are coming from though. I wanted to get the Wumpus trophy but what a pain! I get 4 wins, then wind up with an unwinnable map. Ive tried several times, winning most of the time thanks to Mafia's hints, but still losing to unwinnable or bat-hoze or bad luck. It would be nice to have a script to run through them, but there would be little motivation to do so and the wumpus is a lot more deterministic than the arcade games demonstar and spacetrip.
Oh lol Sally, Wumpus!! Ekk..that one took me a while also, and never mind me getting the Wumpus was my hair, ripped out, that I had more of !:)
I've been playing Space Trip all day and it's to the point now where I hate it. I've followed some crappy guides, read useless wiki information, and finally found some fairly decent information on the wiki talk page. I still haven't managed to win the damn game either and I'd have gladly ran a script in the first place because I never wanted to play it to begin with. I'll pay someone if they make scripts for this crap so I don't have to endure content I didn't want to play to begin with. I just want to unlock the items and be done with it.
Do you have the game hints turned on?

I have relay browser spoilers on. Is there another one for arcade stuff? Good grief, there is...

Now I demand a mafia option called I love teh spoilerz that when enabled forces all future spoiler options to be enabled by default.
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Whoa, bit of a necro here but for the record I don't think heeheehee meant to insult you at all darkspuddle. Looks to me like just a bit of dry wit lost in translation on it's journey through a series of tubes.

Anyways, I always thought it'd be fun to automate Meteoid, don't really have time though :(
Eh, from what I remember, I was just a bit frustrated by what seemed like the slightest sense of entitlement in the OP. I didn't reply at the time because I figured it'd probably devolve into a pointless shouting match, and nobody likes to read posts of those.

I was totally serious about what I meant regarding there being little to no motivation to write scripts for said games, since it really is just so much more fun to play through them a few times per character. They're not impossibly difficult, especially with said strategies -- I can't see any of them taking more than a few tries (except maybe DemonStar, but for that one, you're left entirely to the mercy of the RNG). This is also partly why I don't run ascension scripts when I don't have enough time for a proper run -- I just don't get the same feeling of accomplishment.
Ah, yes I figured also that writing a script for Meteoid would be more trouble than it's worth. Like all the scripts I write though, it would just be for fun and the accomplishment would be writing the script itself :)
Naturally. As always, a great phase to be in (i.e. coding for fun as opposed to purely for savings down the road).