Request: Auto-explode -in-the-box


Looking for a script that will automatically explode (without recreating, obviously) a chef and bartender -in-the-box in the cheapest way possible, either making good mallsell items or items where you recoup most, if not all, costs in autoselling. Thanks!
That script won't work anymore. That was created BEFORE KoL created the concept of free cooking if you don't use fancy ingredients.

I would be willing to create a new script, except that I have no idea what now is the cheapest way to blow up my boxen. Is there a favored method? What's cheap to make?
Fancy cooking:
Fancy cocktail:

Cooking: Key limes, noodles (dry/evil), spices, reagent.
Cocktail: Cocktailcrafting, still drinks (not the upgraded garnishes, apparently, or maybe just skipped because they require the drink as well).

Conclusion: Easier if they have mall access... pick the cheapest fancy item, cook one up, repeat. Alternative, pick the item with the greatest difference in cost between ingredient and completed, cook one up, repeat, mallsell when done. Without mall access, it's just a matter of using up all in inventory with the exception of locking up your TPS.
I'm not even sure that exploding boxen is economically viable any more but I'd be interested to see some maths on it.
I see... so basically these days, exploding boxen is a case of trying to find ingredients cheaper than the finished product and hoping you can recoup the meat in the mall by selling the finished product so that you don't lose meat doing it.

There does not seem to be a particularly good reason to explode boxen anymore so I'm not really interested in writing the much more complicated script that would be needed.
That script won't work anymore. That was created BEFORE KoL created the concept of free cooking if you don't use fancy ingredients.

I would be willing to create a new script, except that I have no idea what now is the cheapest way to blow up my boxen. Is there a favored method? What's cheap to make?

Must have missed that update about non-fancy cooking. No wonder I made a few thousand pie crusts with no boom.
...trying to find ingredients cheaper than the finished product and hoping you can recoup the meat in the mall by selling the finished product so that you don't lose meat doing it.

I have made millions of meat in the mall by doing just this!
That seems like the type of thing where sharing it would eliminate its usefulness by removing the profit. On the other hand, that's a reason to not mention it at all.