Bug - Fixed Relay [map] link for spooky saplings in adventure doesn't work


Active member
When you go through the spooky forest and by a spooky sapling, it will provide a link to use the Spooky Temple map. Mafia deducts the sapling, map, and fertilizer from your inventory, but it doesn't actually do anything since you're actually still in the middle of a choice adventure. This will actually prevent mafia from using the items through the CLI as it already reports you as not having them anymore. The relay browser's inventory screen will show the items correctly and is a workaround.


Since you mention work-arounds, a better work-around is to get the fertilizer last and enjoy the [use] link there.

It seems that the ability to purchase lots of saplings causes all kinds of trouble.


Active member
I never did touch back on this until now. Saving the sapling for last allows you to dump your bar skins at the same time for meat. Since I like playing without selling my pork elf gems, this can be a handy enough source of meat at the start.

Still, since it is the middle of an adventure, the use link shouldn't be up. Maybe something like when you get items in the middle of combat where you get a previously seen at the end?


Active member
Except in those cases, it's just adding it to a page that already shows up... in the case you're asking for, you're asking for an entirely additional page to be added between "now I end the adventure" and "and here's the world map" so that it can show this one 'use' link...


Active member
...There's already an additional page. Once you end the adventure with "Take your leave" (the ONLY way to end the adventure AFAIK), you get the text "You wave to the hunter and wander off. " That would be when the use link should pop up if you bought the tree.
You wave to the hunter and wander off.
Plant your spooky sapling?


Active member
Ah... I skip through the adventure with a bizarre mix of relay and gCLI, so by the time that should be coming up, I'm probably closing the window already to move back to gCLI. :) Would explain why it doesn't sound familiar.


Staff member
Revision 8980 no longer gives you a [use map] link for the Spooky Sapling. Perhaps it could return if we had a way to show "Previously seen" items in choice adventure chains, just as we do for items acquired mid-combat. But we don't have that mechanism currently. Sorry.