Feature Relay browser when not logged in


I made a patch for KoLmafia.
This patch allows one to open the relay browser while not logged in. The intent is to allow the test of relay scripts without having to log in, such as if the script is in another folder, or if you are currently using a different version of that script and don't want to have to stop using it to test the W.I.P. one.

I took game.php, charpane.php and topmenu.php (even though I use awesomemenu.php; that one's WAY too big), and did an attempt at trimming down the useless parts, (kept a few images which will load successfully if the user ever loaded them when logged in before) and saved those as files, which are fetched if mafia sends a request for them that returns nothing, and the username is blank.

Could be a start for something bigger? Maybe a folder in which mafia would search for pages rather than requesting from the KoL servers whenever they are not logged in?


  • mockRelayBrowser.patch
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