Feature Refresh available hermit clovers when breaking prism


Repro Steps
1) ascend into hardcore run
2) defeat naughty sorceress
3) get all available hermit clovers
4) free king
5) "loot the hermit" menu item

"ten-leaf clover (0)" in list

"ten-leaf clover (N)" in list (where N>0)


Active member
Which would require mafia to buy a hermit permit if you do not already have one, whether you're going to use it or not.


Well, I trust it would try to pull the permit from Hangks first, but if I don't have one there... Well, quite frankly a permit only costs 100 meat and in aftercore if I sneeze, that much meat comes out.


Active member
Won't most people have hacked the hermit and eliminated the need for permits by that point? Especially if you're trying to be that flinty with your meat...


Not necessarily. It isn't always a good idea unless you lack interest in efficient ascension. I hack the hermit before I ascend about 30% of the time. (Not an actual statistic.) It depends on RNG or my faxbot plan.


Active member
Yeah, I fall into the lazy category. :) But basically, if you care about the 100 meat, it's available for avoidance through the hermit script.

I'd prefer to avoid this automatic server hit on prism, though. Possibly the hit when it needs to check the hermit again, which allows the user to pull the item from storage if they don't allow it automatically, since it's legitimately changed, but until then? It's a wasted hit once per person going through the quests, if they don't get all those shiny green clovers.


Active member
If mafia knows which ascension you are on and how many clovers there were before you broke prism, it should be possible to calculate post-prism clovercount:
wiki said:
Those who are under Ronin or hardcore restrictions may have fewer clovers available than those who are not, depending upon how many ascensions they have gone through. 1-5 ascensions will have the same number of clovers. 6-10 ascensions will have 1 fewer clovers. 11 or more ascensions will have 2 fewer clovers.

So +0 for ascensions 1-5, +1 for ascensions 6-10, +2 forever everafter.

Also note the *ronin* or hardcore, which makes this a little bit more problematic in softcore (was your last hermit visit still under the penalty, or already post-ronin?), unless the recompute can also happen on ronin-break (turn 1000) and HC-drop (into post-ronin SC).