re-opening closed chat

Is there anyway to re-open a closed chat tab without re-engaging conversation?

If not I can just pm the guy, I remember his name, but I'd rather not bother him and was just wondering if there was a way.
I think just doing a /whois and clicking on the green text with "name click opens blue message" selected will open a PM tab without sending any text. That tab will contain the conversation you already had during the session if I recall correctly.
Tried, doesn't work.
I think it -would- work, except that this method opens the tab as a player ID and not as a player name, which are considered separate conversations, it seems. Will keep this trick in mind though!
I noticed this happens from time to time, but not always. Go figure :D

I haven't studied the bug properly, but I seem to remember that it happens when clicking on a name in a PM window, but it works properly in a channel window.