Github Bot
Poster of Commits
What's Changed
- Ping request, manager, and command by @Veracity0 in #1799
Full Changelog: r27445...r27446
View on Github
> ping
10 pings to api.php at 29-40 msec apiece (total = 325, average = 32) = 60369 bytes/second
> ping 100
100 pings to api.php at 30-157 msec apiece (total = 3556, average = 35) = 55174 bytes/second
> ping 100
100 pings to api.php at 29-42 msec apiece (total = 3350, average = 33) = 58567 bytes/second
> ping 100 main
100 pings to main.php at 89-199 msec apiece (total = 12247, average = 122) = 51433 bytes/second
> ping 10 api true
Ping #1 of 10...
-> 30 msec (1962 bytes)
Ping #2 of 10...
-> 40 msec (1962 bytes)
Ping #3 of 10...
-> 31 msec (1962 bytes)
Ping #4 of 10...
-> 29 msec (1962 bytes)
Ping #5 of 10...
-> 31 msec (1962 bytes)
Ping #6 of 10...
-> 30 msec (1962 bytes)
Ping #7 of 10...
-> 27 msec (1962 bytes)
Ping #8 of 10...
-> 28 msec (1962 bytes)
Ping #9 of 10...
-> 34 msec (1962 bytes)
Ping #10 of 10...
-> 36 msec (1962 bytes)
10 pings to api.php at 27-40 msec apiece (total = 316, average = 31) = 62088 bytes/second
> ping 10 main true
Ping #1 of 10...
-> 135 msec (6299 bytes)
Ping #2 of 10...
-> 110 msec (6299 bytes)
Ping #3 of 10...
-> 120 msec (6299 bytes)
Ping #4 of 10...
-> 100 msec (6299 bytes)
Ping #5 of 10...
-> 136 msec (6299 bytes)
Ping #6 of 10...
-> 119 msec (6299 bytes)
Ping #7 of 10...
-> 119 msec (6299 bytes)
Ping #8 of 10...
-> 394 msec (6299 bytes)
Ping #9 of 10...
-> 113 msec (6299 bytes)
Ping #10 of 10...
-> 111 msec (6299 bytes)
10 pings to main.php at 100-394 msec apiece (total = 1457, average = 145) = 43232 bytes/second
> get pingLatest
> get pingLongest
> get pingShortest
I do wonder what this is actually measuring. Were there timeouts, or was the server just slow to respond to all requests? (plausibly overload in conjunction with handling requests via fifo...)I've seen this as high as 2326 msec. I logged out of that server and back into this one. Phew!