Bug r26033 broke mall


I tested several times (fully turn off mafia and then run it again on a different version)
mall works with r26032 and is broken in r26032

the specifics of the break are:
1. when using the purchase tab to search for items (ex: "cocoa egg") always get 0 results.
if you instead use the relay browser to go into the mall manually and search you do get results.

2. mafia/scripts fail to buy items from mall. see below:

with older versions
> acquire 1 cocoa egg

Verifying    ingredients for cocoa egg (1)...
Verifying ingredients for large cocoa    eggshell fragment (2)...
Searching for "cocoa eggshell fragment"...
Installing    default certificate validation...
Sending login request...
Preference    nextAdventure changed from Site Alpha Dormitory to Site Alpha Greenhouse
Loading    character status...
Search complete.
Purchasing cocoa eggshell    fragment (1 @ 440)...
Purchasing cocoa eggshell fragment (2 @ 985)...
Purchases    complete.
Creating large cocoa eggshell fragment (2)...
You acquire    large cocoa eggshell fragment (2)
Successfully created large cocoa    eggshell fragment (2)
Creating cocoa egg (1)...
You acquire an item:    cocoa egg
Successfully created cocoa egg (1)

> acquire 1 cocoa egg

Searching for    "large cocoa eggshell fragment"...
Unexpected error, debug    log printed.
Search complete.
Searching for "cocoa eggshell    fragment"...
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
Search    complete.
Searching for "cocoa egg"...
Unexpected error,    debug log printed.
Search complete.
Searching for "cocoa egg"...
Unexpected    error, debug log printed.
Search complete.
You    need 1 more cocoa egg to continue.


Staff member
It's late in the UK so I will have to fix this tomorrow, unless someone else can get to it