r25779 - Language Server - revert now-unnecessary fix n°2 (URGENT) (fia/pull/121']#121) * Evaluable dire

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Language Server - revert now-unnecessary fix n°2 (URGENT) (#121)

* Evaluable directly applied to upstream/main

* rename Value.LocateValue

* TypedNode interface

* note about LocatedValue.evaluatesTo expecting an exact match

* Rename LocatedValue, and add a small comment about it

* spotless >:c

* revert now-unnecessary change

* revert now-unnecessary fix 2

* have TypeInitializer override getRawType
The source of the previous bug.
The previous commit makes this one optional, but better not tempt fate.

* that AscensionHistoryRequestTest really has a problem...

* that AscensionHistoryRequestTest really has a problem...

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