r25774 - You robot fixes (fia/pull/109']#109) * Track You, Robot points * Track You, Robot first scaven

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Poster of Commits
You robot fixes (#109)

* Track You, Robot points

* Track You, Robot first scavenge of the ascension

* Properly count chronolith activations and CPU upgrades. Add tests for these

* Modernize file reading code in tests

* Updated @BeforeAll to @beforeeach to resolve test failure

* Disable chrono tests on mac

* Add test for AscensionHistoryRequest

* Fix failing AscensionHistoryRequest test

* Simplify ScrapheapRequestTest

* Tidy up user id after AscensionHistoryRequestTest

* Fix test tracking sneaky pete points

Co-authored-by: heeheehee <heeheehee@users.sourceforge.net>
Co-authored-by: BadHorseMonkey <58645293+BadHorseMonkey@users.noreply.github.com>

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