Feature - Implemented r12460 - Super Skill is ignored by mafia


Active member
Putting on Greatest American Pants...
Equipment changed.

> gap skill

Superpower time!
Encounter: Pants-Gazing
You acquire an effect: Super Skill (duration: 5 Adventures)

[8575] Dreadsylvanian Village
Encounter: Edwina Gardiner, who fell asleep in the walk-in freezer
Round 0: fluxxdog wins initiative!
1 HP costs 0.062μ. ( 1,609 / 1731 )
1 MP costs 8μ. ( 420 / 788 )
ATT: 513 (6% × (19.06), death in 1609)
DEF: 505 (97.73% × 931.3 (40) (21) (40) (20) (40), win in 6)
HP: 813, Value: 85.77 μ, RES: 1 (1) (-1) (-1)

> ash mp_cost($skill[Saucegeyser])

Returned: 28
Any way we can have mafia return the correct value of 0?
Also, isn't threre a floorcap of -3 on total mp cost modifier? (with some exceptional exceptions ...)
Also, isn't threre a floorcap of -3 on total mp cost modifier? (with some exceptional exceptions ...)

Apparently mafia already expects combat-only stuff to be an exception, since that change made mafia expect Candyblast to cost 1 MP compared to its base cost of 6.