Bug r12318 - Surprise debug log contains 3 errors


Active member
I used the built-in solver for the Lukcy Entryway. I got the attached debug log surprisingly. The following is from my CLI output:
Checking prerequisites...
Crossing three door puzzle...
Using 1 pygmy pygment...
You acquire an effect: Woad Warrior (duration: 10 Adventures)
Finished using 1 pygmy pygment.
Using 1 tamarind-flavored chewing gum...
You acquire an effect: Tamarind Torment (duration: 5 Adventures)
Finished using 1 tamarind-flavored chewing gum.
Using 1 dark potion of ettin strength...
You acquire an effect: Strength of Ten Ettins (duration: 10 Adventures)
Finished using 1 dark potion of ettin strength.
Putting Flynn the Rogue Program back into terrarium...
Saving outfit: Backup
Outfit saved
Taking off everything...
Everything removed.
Crossing mirror puzzle...
You acquire an item: huge mirror shard
Verifying ingredients for ten-leaf clover (1)...
Creating ten-leaf clover (1)...
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover
Successfully created ten-leaf clover (1)
Inserting skeleton key...
You acquire an item: stone tablet (Really Evil Rhythm)
Wielding star crossbow...
Equipment changed.
Putting on star hat...
Equipment changed.
Taking Bjorne the Star Starfish out of terrarium...
Inserting Richard's star key...
You acquire an item: stone tablet (Sinister Strumming)
Inserting digital key...
You acquire an item: stone tablet (Squeezings of Woe)
Inserting Boris's key...
You acquire an item: fishbowl
Inserting Jarlsberg's key...
You acquire an item: fishtank
Inserting Sneaky Pete's key...
You acquire an item: fish hose
Verifying ingredients for makeshift SCUBA gear (1)...
Verifying ingredients for hosed tank (1)...
Creating hosed tank (1)...
You acquire an item: hosed tank
Successfully created hosed tank (1)
Creating makeshift SCUBA gear (1)...
You acquire an item: makeshift SCUBA gear
Successfully created makeshift SCUBA gear (1)
Putting Bjorne the Star Starfish back into terrarium...
Taking Flynn the Rogue Program out of terrarium...
Putting on makeshift SCUBA gear...
Equipment changed.
Pressing switch beyond odor...
Arming stone mariachis...
Sorceress entryway complete.
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
This part is from my session log.
use 1 pygmy pygment
You acquire an effect: Woad Warrior (duration: 10 Adventures)

use 1 tamarind-flavored chewing gum
You acquire an effect: Tamarind Torment (duration: 5 Adventures)

use 1 dark potion of ettin strength
You acquire an effect: Strength of Ten Ettins (duration: 10 Adventures)

familiar none
You acquire an item: huge mirror shard

Use 1 disassembled clover
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover
You acquire an item: stone tablet (Really Evil Rhythm)

equip weapon star crossbow

equip hat star hat

familiar Star Starfish (6 lbs)
You acquire an item: stone tablet (Sinister Strumming)
You acquire an item: stone tablet (Squeezings of Woe)
You acquire an item: fishbowl
You acquire an item: fishtank
You acquire an item: fish hose

Combine 1 fishtank + 1 fish hose
You acquire an item: hosed tank

Combine 1 hosed tank + 1 fishbowl
You acquire an item: makeshift SCUBA gear

familiar Rogue Program (28 lbs)

equip acc1 makeshift SCUBA gear
Unexpected error, debug log printed.
I'll admit this is the first time I noticed any problem with the solver.
EDIT: Would help if I attached the debug log, wouldn't it? -.- Also, the entryway can't load the entire picture. The top part that point to the courtyard refuses to load.
EDIT EDIT: It also didn't revert to my previously worn gear.


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