Question on fight.php scripting


New member
Is there a way to get the current combat round and monster name from inside a relay override script?
Okay, so I decided to start by trying something simple - putting in my own set of custom combat buttons. (The ones mafia creates on it's own are great, but contain some things I don't need, and not in the order I'd like them.)

So, I put the attached file in my relay folder, turned on relay overrides...

And it didn't do anything. I added those print statements to see if anything was working, and I get no output in the CLI window either.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?


Just as a test, I tried putting in the last posted version of the degrassi knoll general store script. It doesn't seem to have any effect either.

I have definitely checked the "Enable user-scripted relay browser overrides" box, and have restarted KoLmafia several times. (This is version 11.8) Is there something else I should try?
Looks like I made a typo when I was cleaning up some of the relay browser code to make it faster, and this typo completely broke relay overrides. As a temporary fix, you can type in "set relayBrowserOverride=true" (it's missing an s in the current check). A real fix has been committed and will be available in the next release.