Queen-Farm, A Queen Cookie Farming Script of Note


svn checkout https://github.com/Zen00/queen-farm/branches/release/

What does this do? It feeds/clothes/adventures/over-drinks/equips rollover gear/and handles moods for farming of Reflection of a Map and then using them to make cookies. Similar to my Pop-Farm script, I only intend for this to be used on untended multis that could be doing something useful for everyone else (and to use up the glut of "DRINK ME" potions on the market).

The script uses preferences to track how many maps you are owed from potions used, and uses potions as needed when using maps and adventuring to find them.

As an example, my testing alt spent about 20k meat on potions and food (at 500 mpa) and generated 42 cookies. This can of course be increased by having more than the 130% item drop that I tested with. (Currently at 55 cookies per day)
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I actually have an update for this I need to post that includes handling for auto-recovery and other fixes and improvements. :P

I think I'll make this a series of quick programs for people who want to burn a lot of turns really fast and mindlessly, just different item being farmed each time.