Bug - Fixed Pygmy Janitor relocation broken in r12892


Active member
I believe this is the code in ChoiceManager that's having issues:
		// Where Does The Lone Ranger Take His Garbagester?
		case 789:
			// Only relocate pygmy janitors once, then get random items
			if ( decision.equals( "2" ) && 
				Preferences.getInteger( "relocatePygmyJanitors" ) != KoLCharacter.getAscensions() )
				return "1";
			return decision;
I think that should be == rather than !=, since that means that it protects choice 2 only when it would be useful, and takes choice 2 only when it will burn the turn. I was trying to figure out why this wasn't working and found that even in the relay browser, it suggested choice 1 with choiceAdventure789=2 set and the janitors not relocated.