Puttin' on the ritz! (aka dressing for optimal moxie)


Here's my first full script that takes advantage of Veracity's new slot functions. It will look over your stats and inventory and dress you in the most moxie-boosting clothes you have, including the best ranged weapon available to you. It is especially useful for softcore ascending with moxie-based characters, but also has use for hardcore and any run where you are chasing high moxie.

Here, specifically, is the order in which it will try to outfit you:

hat: disco pick / el sombrero / f3d0r4 / knob goblin visor / maiden wig
weapon: asbestos crossbow / lead yo-yo / slightly peevedbow / slingshot
pants: plexiglass pants / stainless steel slacks / boss bat britches / grass skirt / tree skirt / swashbuckling pants / frilly skirt
accessory: Sneaky Pete's breath spray / shiny ring

I didn't think about it until I was researching the requirements for all the items I don't own, but when I can I'll work in support for getting the Knoll smith to make you basic meat pants and stick meat pants if they would be helpful for you, since they're both + moxie items that can be made by an NPC for just meat if you are using a muscle sign.

I'm also not sure what to do with the accessory slot that you win if you happen to be using the lead yo-yo. I originally thought flaming talons were best, then thinking that the easter egg balloon would be better, now wondering about the penguin skin buckler, and all the while thinking that none of those were probably worth a pull since there really aren't that many adventures between 30 mysticality and 40 moxie. So that leaves, I don't know, cola shields and rice bowls. So I just throw up my hands and force you to decide what to do with that slot.

Anyway, comments are always welcome and appreciated.


Damn... Can't edit

Was thinking about it put a diamond-studded cane in your off hand (if you got that SC Skill) or an Easter Egg Balloon if you got the lead yo-yo equiped

hey and what about a can of fake snow... I think I still got one of those around here someware.
Don't see the point of the badass belt. Only time I use it is when I am running a spellcaster and need those five myst points to make it into the Airship or the Castle. I'd much rather have an extra breath spray in general.

Mr. A's -- d'oh! You people with jobs have those things, don't you? ::) Good point.

Oh, yeah, diamond studded canes would be a super off-hand choice. (except, would it?)

I have to laugh, because I was just reading the "What is the best one-hand weapon" thread in the main forum's Help section, where it was pointed out that the can of snow and the can of maces were both one-hand ranged weapons. :o But would you use fake snow instead of an asbestos crossbow?

Actually, I'm already painfully aware of the weakness in this script's methodology, which is that it doesn't take very long before your moxie is 30 points higher than anywhere you're allowed to fight even with my cheap gear. So the game probably becomes more one of balancing moxie-maxing gear with ML+ stuff.
[quote author=Tirian link=topic=136.msg647#msg647 date=1146693451]
But would you use fake snow instead of an asbestos crossbow?
If I was looking for pixels
and I'd use it instead of a lead yo-yo
[quote author=Tirian link=topic=136.msg647#msg647 date=1146693451]
Oh, yeah, diamond studded canes would be a super off-hand choice.  (except, would it?)

Only if you are maxing your moxie :)
moxie req's

lead yo-yo: 25
can of fake snow: 35
asbestos crossbow: 40

Kind of a small window for the snow. You'd get a better moxie boost from the crossbow than from whatever you've got equipped in your offhand with the snow, but the snow might do more damage even without the accessory's help. Puzzling, especially since I've never used snow.
Doh! Forgot about shirts, also!

supportive bra +3
harem girl t-shirt +3
pirate shirt 10 Mus +3
souvenir ski t-shirt 35 Mus for +5
For one acc. slot, My GMA, the other 2 get Mr. A's
else 3 Jek belts. It depends on my goals.
of course, one of these days, I would like to add old school mafia knickerbockers to my list of options for pants till then it's boss bat britches.
As for weapon and off hand, I prefer ice sickle and ice baby.
Hat? I generally use 2 for my character: 1 of the cola wars helmets until I get the goblin kings crown. What I would like to see is an autosell script that could be used in ronin to clear inventory of crap like bat guanno, cranberries, extra dead guy's watches and the likes. I generally pull a black lotus on day 1, and sell it, and then on day 2, the same. The meat is needed for self buffing to speed things along. Antiphon, Empathy and Leash burn a lot of MP, to add meat gains, and item drops (to autosell) I use phat loot and polka. It all adds up to a crapload of MP, and after the cola runs out, I'm stuck with the Doc for MP. I burn a lot of meat.
Wow, that does go through a lot of meat! I guess the moral of the story is that outfitting is going to be an insanely difficult problem because everyone has their own strategies and none of them are really irrational.

I'm surprised you don't have a clean-out script. It's the first thing I wrote. I'll take a quick look through mine and upload it if it isn't too over-personalized.
You can't expect to please everyone...

But hey, the scripts are easy to modify if you have a different strategy, too. If you can't figure it out, just ask for tips on the boards, right?
Here's what I use when I need to dress myself systemically. Bear in mind that the equipment list it uses is not complete, though it hits all the equipment I tend to see in a run. Adding new items is simply a matter of adding the apropos lines to Lib.Equipment.

Syntax to dress for maximum Moxie:

call Dress(Moxie)

Syntax to dress for maximum Adventures:

call Dress(Adventures)


I like that, Metraxis... more along the lines of what I was thinking of: an all-in-one type script, for the lazy gamer and the impatient scripter.

(I've always admired the virtues of a good Perl programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris.)

Now if we could only access the KolMafia database from ASH, then the values would already be entered for us, heh... :P
[quote author=ewall link=topic=136.msg3970#msg3970 date=1174483245]
I like that, Metraxis... more along the lines of what I was thinking of: an all-in-one type script, for the lazy gamer and the impatient scripter.

(I've always admired the virtues of a good Perl programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris.)

Now if we could only access the KolMafia database from ASH, then the values would already be entered for us, heh... :P
void file_to_map( string file_to_load, map map_to_fill )
void map_to_file( map map_to_save, string file_to_write )
Loads and saves maps as tab-delimited text files.

When loading, if the filename is the same as the filename of one of kolmafia's internal files the internal file gets loaded.
Quite true, but unfortunately there are some attributes I have not been able to find in either equipment.txt or modifiers.txt, and the native format is flat, requiring a beefy record to read in either file with the regular functions. The biggest reason I chose to use initialized statements rather than a loadable table was the presence of equipment with conditional attributes, such as the Serpentine Sword (not included) and the epic weapons/hats.