put_closet ( meat ) ???

yuck foo

New member
Hey, do the put_closet() / take_closet() functions still work for meat? I have a small script I use to keep my pocket-meat at half-a-million. It stopped working a few versions ago.

if ( my_meat() > 500000 )
 int deposit;
 deposit = my_meat() - 500000;
 put_closet ( deposit );

 int withdrawl;
 withdrawl = 500000 - my_meat();
 take_closet ( withdrawl );
from the wiki:
boolean take_closet( int amount )
boolean put_closet( int amount )
Transfers meat in or out of your Colossal Closet.

Oh and by the way, this topic belongs in community support or scripting discussion, not writings in progress.
Err can you explain in more detail whats wrong with it.

"It stopped working" isn't the most descriptive bug report. Does it still move meat at all? Does it error out? Does it do something weird? Does it say success but still doesn't do anything?
[quote author=Nightmist]
Err can you explain in more detail whats wrong with it.[/quote]

It runs it, but doesn't move any meat.

It prints "Unknown request type..." for an instant, then "Request completed."

If I pare it down to the very basic...
put_closet ( 1000 );
...it does exactly the same as above, so that must be the unknown request.

If I delete the session log and run it, the log only contains...
- Round 0: yuck_foo attacks with fear-inducing body language!