Pulverizer Helper?



I did some searching through the forums and didn't find what I was looking for.

Basically, I was wondering if there was a "Pulverizer_Helper.ash" that would look at what you are capable of making via armorcrafting or meatsmithing and say "Hey, you could make up to 3 bat-ass leather jackets and pulverize them for a potential 3 twinkly wads and...".

I manually use the very handy well-tempered anvil site at http://anvil.bewarethefgc.com, but was wondering if someone had actually built a helper application?

The mafia interface has a pulverize tool implemented. Bring up the item manager (little knapsack icon), click Pulverize (under Equipment on left-hand side), select the range you're looking to receive or whatever, select your items, quantity, add to queue and smash away or have it all sent to wadbot who returns results quite quickly.

Yes, I use that tool already.

The context is for HC / HCO and I am asking for a more predictive use of armor or weaps forging skills to make stuff I can pulverize for powders and wads.

Basically, the other half of the equation.
Ah, I see. I must have hazed over that in my first read of your original post. Makes sense now. Sorry.


Nothing, huh?

Mafia's interface for pulverizing is great, I was just hoping someone had taken it 1 step further in the "if you make XYZ, it can be pulverized into ABC..."
