pulling meat from storage


I'm trying to this after I'm out of ronin,

     take_storage(100000, meat);

I get,

     Unknown variable 'meat' (new.ash, line 1279)  

     take_storage(100000, $item[meat]);

I get,

     Item meat not found in database

Ok so what am I going wrong?

I tried this too in the cli,

    hagnk 10000 meat

And it didn't seem to work either.


Is there anyway to pull the entire stash?

Edit by holatuwol: I suspect that what macman's suggesting is what you're trying to say is pull stuff from storage, and I've changed the thread's title to reflect this.
Re: pulling meat from stash

ask yourself, is what I'm doing even possible in the game without KoLmafia?

Unless I missed the update today, one has never been able to take meat back from the clan coffer once it is in there. So in summary...

meat paste/stacks/dense stacks from stash: yes.

meat itself: no.
Re: pulling meat from stash

To pull meat from storage, any of the following are equivalent:

cli_execute( "pull 10000 meat" );
cli_execute( "hagnk 10000 meat" );
visit_url( "storage.php?pwd&action=takemeat&amt=10000" );

To empty your storage:

visit_url( "storage.php?pwd&action=takeall" );

If any of the above URLs don't work, you'll have to visit Hagnk's and see what the real URL is. It's been so long since I've taken anything from storage that I don't know if anything's changed.
Yeah I meant storage not clan stash ::) sorry

I just ascended so I'll give those a try in a few days, thanks Hola.

cli_execute( "pull 10000 meat" );
cli_execute( "hagnk 10000 meat" );

gave this response and didn't work.

Unknown request type...
Requests complete.

However this did work.

visit_url( "storage.php?pwd&action=takemeat&amt=10000" );

Thanks much!!