Bug - Fixed Problem with BHH?

I am in aftercore, and I usually fax in my first bounty, but I have noticed this problem WITHOUT getting my first bounty item in the relay browser. I let it auto-adventure, and it will say "requests complete" or whatever it says when Mafia is done running. In the "session results" it will not have "1 filthy lucre" listed, and in the "goals" it will still say "+1 (insert bounty item here)". I go to the BHH in the relay browser and he says, congratulations or whatever and gives me my lucre.

Mafia used to turn it in for me and everything- any idea what's going on?


We're pretty far past that by now, but the bug still exists. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.


r9165 should have the automatic lucre retrieval issue fixed, though it's probably not quite the right way to fix it.