Problem with .bat files calling scripts


[EDIT]I solved the sell_item() problem.

So guys, I can't seem to run mafia from a .bat file as I did before.
I have a name.bat
@echo off
java -jar KoLmafia-11.2.jar --CLI script=scripts\name.txt
then a name.txt
login name
call scripts\test.ash
and then test.ash in the scripts folder. Mafia logs in the character but stops there, asking me with a prompt.
If I enter manually "call scripts/test.ash" the script does start though. It's like it's ignoring the second line of the .txt script. Why?
Re: sell_item() not working anymore?

In the gCLI, type "ashref sell" and that will print out all of the ASH commands that are available that match the filter "sell"
Problem solved, looks like I had to remove the login command..

Is there a reference for CLI commands as well? I can't figure out how to send kmails properly anymore.