Feature - Implemented Print events in the gCLI


Before r9873, events where printed in the gCLI whenever they happened. In r9873, this block of code was removed from the end of EventManager.addNormalEvent():

if ( !LoginRequest.isInstanceRunning() )	 
	// Print everything to the default shell; this way, the	 
	// graphical CLI is also notified of events.	 

	RequestLogger.printLine( eventHTML );	 
	// Balloon messages for whenever the person does not have	 
	// focus on KoLmafia.	 

	if ( StaticEntity.usesSystemTray() )	 
		SystemTrayFrame.showBalloon( eventText );	 

I'm not sure if this was done on purpose, but I think it was useful to see events in the gCLI, especially when they were the result of a command (like "/aa disabled"), or a script (a MMG script for example).