Bug - Fixed Popcorn isn't createable?


I cannot seem to create popcorn.

[COLOR="#808000"]> pref recipe5067
unknownRecipe5067 (user, now 'false', default true)

[COLOR="#808000"]> make popcorn[/COLOR]

Verifying ingredients for popcorn (1)...
Searching for "knob goblin firecracker"...
Search complete.
Purchasing Knob Goblin firecracker (1 @ 590)...
You acquire an item: Knob Goblin firecracker
Purchases complete.
Searching for "cob of corn"...
Search complete.
Purchasing cob of corn (1 @ 300)...
You acquire an item: cob of corn
You spent 300 Meat
Purchases complete.
Creating popcorn (1)...
[COLOR="#ff0000"]Creation failed, no results detected.[/COLOR]

I can create popcorn from the relay browser.
Mafia prints out this error message if the amount of popcorn it thinks you have doesn't change.

In your example, was the popcorn really not created? Maybe it has a different "acquire" message?
I checked for that actually. Took a look at my inventory in the relay browser shows that the error message was (surprisingly) correct.

It failed to create the popcorn. Refreshing inventory revealed the firecracker and the corn still in my inventory and no popcorn.

I was sure that this had to be a mistake in concoctions, but there doesn't seem to be any error there. It's very strange. I have no practical reason to make popcorn, but I'll do anything to help find the problem if anyone has a suggestion.

I'll look at it when I learn the recipe. It is one of the three I don't yet have, so that could be soon or not-soon.
Maybe you can create one from the Mini-Brower to see if the URL is different for amazing ideas?

From the crafting page I get:

Weirdly, if I go to the plunger directly it will refuse to combine these ingredients. This only works from the crafting page. Does it craft URLs differently at the plunger?
Maybe the plunger refuses to make things that require knowledge of recipes (because he doesn't know the recipes)?
(sort of like innabox only knowing basic smithing)
Weirdly, if I go to the plunger directly it will refuse to combine these ingredients. This only works from the crafting page. Does it craft URLs differently at the plunger?
Yes. This is almost certainly the problem: if you are in a Muscle sign, we do COMBINE recipes via knoll.php?action=combine, much as we do basic smithing via knoll.php?action=smith. Perhaps we need an advanced combine method which goes to craft.php, much as advanced smithing goes to craft.php.
Yay! The cause of the bug has been found!

[COLOR="#808000"]> create creepy voodoo doll[/COLOR]

Verifying ingredients for creepy voodoo doll (1)...
Searching for "wooden figurine"...
Search complete.
Purchasing wooden figurine (1 @ 100)...
You acquire an item: wooden figurine
Purchases complete.
Creating creepy voodoo doll (1)...
[COLOR="#ff0000"]Creation failed, no results detected.[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#808000"]> create mysterious present[/COLOR]

Verifying ingredients for mysterious present (1)...
Searching for "box"...
Search complete.
Purchasing box (1 @ 700)...
You acquire an item: box
Purchases complete.
Searching for "probability potion"...
Search complete.
Purchasing probability potion (1 @ 256)...
You acquire an item: probability potion
Purchases complete.
Creating mysterious present (1)...
[COLOR="#ff0000"]Creation failed, no results detected.[/COLOR]

That means you can duplicate this if you have any Amazing Ideas using meatpaste while you're in a muscle sign.
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Revision 9289. Tested with creepy voodoo doll. (I got another Amazing Idea, but it was the finger, not popcorn...)

I discovered that it doesn't actually use meat paste; my initial fix made a meat paste, but the craft.php request did not consume it.
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chaos popcorn   ACOMBINE        popcorn chaos butterfly

This is a mistake. Chaos popcorn is just a regular meat pasting recipe that can be made by the plunger. I'd already tested that.

I'm not going to downgrade the tag from fixed for this though since we don't have a "Bug - Mostly Fixed" tag. ;)