Note: [wiki checked] means that I checked and the wiki has the same plural as the KoL plural listed.
First, let's start off with what the wiki had correct:
Looks like most of those are KoL typos, but that's another topic. Let's move on to new content:
Sadly, these were incorrect on both the wiki and mafia:
All of these smell like plurals changing to me.
These ones cannot be (reasonably) checked, but it's worth mentioning:
For fun, here's the ones that mafia had correct (and the wiki updated):
I couldn't check these as the DCDB doesn't have the item listed, and I do not have the item and don't feel like spending meat to get them:
Finally, here are plurals that checkplurals is marking different but they are actually the same on the wiki and are correct in vanilla (I added the italics tags):
These are all due to a few things:
Thanks for taking the time to fix these.
First, let's start off with what the wiki had correct:
*** Crimboween memo: KoLmafia plural = "Crimboween memos", Wiki plural = "Crimboween memoes"
*** Deactivated O. A. F.: KoLmafia plural = "Deactivated O. A. F.s", Wiki plural = "Deactivated O.A.F.s"
*** Manual of Transcendent Olfaction: KoLmafia plural = "Manuals of Transcendent Olfaction", Wiki plural = "Manual of Transcendent Olfaction"
*** corpse on the beach: KoLmafia plural = "corpses on the beach", KoL plural = "corpses on the beaches" [wiki checked]
*** throwing wrench: KoLmafia plural = "throwing wrenches", KoL plural = "throwing wrenchs" [wiki checked]
Looks like most of those are KoL typos, but that's another topic. Let's move on to new content:
*** Holiday Fun!: KoLmafia plural = "Holiday Fun!s", KoL plural = "Hollandaise Fun!" [wiki checked]
*** fishbone kneepads: KoLmafia plural = "fishbone kneepadss", Wiki plural = "pairs of fishbone kneepads"
*** fishbone fins: KoLmafia plural = "fishbone finss", Wiki plural = "pairs of fishbone fins"
*** filet of The Fish: KoLmafia plural = "filet of The Fishs", KoL plural = "filets of The Fish" [wiki checked]
*** transmission from planet Xi: KoLmafia plural = "transmission from planet Xis", KoL plural = "transmissions from planet Xi" [wiki: transmission from planet Xis]
*** Black Bart's Booty: KoLmafia plural = "Booties of Black Bart's", Wiki plural = "Booties of Black Bart"
*** Xiblaxian xeno-detection goggles: KoLmafia plural = "Xiblaxian xeno-detection goggless", Wiki plural = "pairs of Xiblaxian xeno-detection goggles"
*** dove DNA: KoLmafia plural = "strands of dove DNA", Wiki plural = "strands of Dove DNA"
*** cookie cookie: KoLmafia plural = "cookie cookies", KoL plural = "cookies cookies" [wiki checked]
*** peppermint tailings: KoLmafia plural = "peppermint tailingss", KoL plural = "lumps of peppermint tailings" [wiki checked]
*** sneaky wrapping paper: KoLmafia plural = "sneaky wrapping papers", KoL plural = "rolls of sneaky wrapping paper" [wiki checked]
*** gold tooth: KoLmafia plural = "gold tooths", Wiki plural = "gold teeth"
*** whiskey in a broken glass: KoLmafia plural = "whiskey in a broken glasss", KoL plural = "whiskeys in broken glasses" [wiki checked]
*** shot of mescal: KoLmafia plural = "shot of mescals", KoL plural = "shots of mescal" [wiki checked]
*** glass of herbal tequila: KoLmafia plural = "glass of herbal tequilas", KoL plural = "glasses of herbal tequila" [wiki checked]
*** minin' dynamite: KoLmafia plural = "minin' dynamites", Wiki plural = "sticks of minin' dynamite"
*** even more tinsel: KoLmafia plural = "even more tinsels", Wiki plural = "more strings of tinsel"
Sadly, these were incorrect on both the wiki and mafia:
*** BGE shotglass: KoLmafia plural = "BGE shotglasss", KoL plural = "BGE shotglasses" [wiki: BGE shotglasss]
*** Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration (crumpled): KoLmafia plural = "crumpled copies of Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration", Wiki plural = "crumpled copies of Inigo's Incantation of Inspirat"
*** bottle of fire: KoLmafia plural = "bottle of fires", KoL plural = "bottles of fire" [wiki: bottle of fires]
These ones cannot be (reasonably) checked, but it's worth mentioning:
*** Annual Ascot: KoLmafia plural = "Annual Ascots", Wiki plural = "I am a fish"
*** Jeppson's Malort: KoLmafia plural = "Jeppson's Malorts", Wiki plural = "bottles of Jeppson's Malort"
*** Leapin' Trousers: KoLmafia plural = "Leapin' Trouserss", Wiki plural = "I Am A Fish"
*** Solstice Shield: KoLmafia plural = "Solstice Shields", Wiki plural = "I am a fish"
*** Bee's Knees: KoLmafia plural = "Bee's Kneess", Wiki plural = "glasses of the Bee's Knees"
*** Phonus Balonus: KoLmafia plural = "Phonus Balonuss", Wiki plural = "Phonus Balonii"
For fun, here's the ones that mafia had correct (and the wiki updated):
*** orphan baby yeti: KoLmafia plural = "orphan baby yetis", Wiki plural = "orphan baby yeti"
*** metallic foil cat ears: KoLmafia plural = "metallic foil cat earses", Wiki plural = "metallic foil cat ears"
*** depleted Grimacite shinguards: KoLmafia plural = "depleted Grimacite shinguardss", Wiki plural = "depleted grimacite shinguardss"
*** pig-iron shinguards: KoLmafia plural = "pairs of pig-iron shinguards", Wiki plural = "pig-iron shinguardss"
*** pair of plants: KoLmafia plural = "pairs of plants", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Military Chassis: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Military Chassis", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Really Big Head: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Really Big Head", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Rivet Shocker: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Rivet Shocker", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Mobile Girder: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Mobile Girder", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Camera Claw: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Camera Claw", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Power Arm: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Power Arm", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Power Stapler: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Power Stapler", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Grease Gun: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Grease Gun", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Snow Blower: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Snow Blower", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Candle Lighter: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Candle Lighter", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Rollerfeet: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematic: Rollerfeet", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Sim-Simian Feet: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Sim-Simian Feet", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: High-Speed Fan: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: High-Speed Fan", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Gun Legs: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Gun Legs", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Heavy Treads: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Heavy Treads", Wiki plural = ""
I couldn't check these as the DCDB doesn't have the item listed, and I do not have the item and don't feel like spending meat to get them:
*** Sloppy Seconds Diner Employee Handbook: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Sloppy Seconds Diner Employee Handbook", Wiki plural = "copies of the Sloppy Seconds Diner Employee Handbo"
*** Merc Core Field Manual: Sanity Maintenance: KoLmafia plural = "Merc Core Field Manual: Sanity Maintenances", Wiki plural = "Merc Core Field Manuals: Sanity Maintenance"
*** Merc Core Field Manual: Intimidation Techniques: KoLmafia plural = "Merc Core Field Manual: Intimidation Techniquess", Wiki plural = "Merc Core Field Manuals: Intimidation Techniques"
*** Crimbot schematic: Refrigerator Chassis: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Refrigerator Chassis", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Swiss Arm: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Swiss Arm", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Data Analyzer: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Data Analyzer", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Maxi-Mag Lite: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Maxi-Mag Lite", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Lamp Filler: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Lamp Filler", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Hoverjack: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Hoverjack", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Rocket Skirt: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Rocket Skirt", Wiki plural = ""
*** Sister Accessory: KoLmafia plural = "Sister Accessories", Wiki plural = ""
Finally, here are plurals that checkplurals is marking different but they are actually the same on the wiki and are correct in vanilla (I added the italics tags):
*** Item #13: KoLmafia plural = "Items #13", Wiki plural = ""
*** 'Villa' document: KoLmafia plural = "'Villa' documents", Wiki plural = "'Villa' documents"
*** zmobie: KoLmafia plural = "zombeis", Wiki plural = ""
*** 'WILL WORK FOR BOOZE' sign: KoLmafia plural = "'WILL WORK FOR BOOZE' signs", Wiki plural = "'WILL WORK FOR BOOZE' signs"
*** The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder: KoLmafia plural = "copies of The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder", Wiki plural = ""
*** Benetton's Medley of Diversity: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Benetton's Medley of Diversity", Wiki plural = ""
*** Elron's Explosive Etude: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Elron's Explosive Etude", Wiki plural = ""
*** Chorale of Companionship: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Chorale of Companionship", Wiki plural = ""
*** Prelude of Precision: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Prelude of Precision", Wiki plural = ""
*** Hodgman's journal #1: The Lean Times: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Hodgman's journal #1", Wiki plural = ""
*** Hodgman's journal #2: Entrepreneurythmics: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Hodgman's journal #2", Wiki plural = ""
*** Hodgman's journal #3: Pumping Tin: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Hodgman's journal #3", Wiki plural = ""
*** Hodgman's journal #4: View From The Big Top: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Hodgman's journal #4", Wiki plural = ""
*** elven <i>limbos</i> gingerbread: KoLmafia plural = "wafers of <i>limbos</i> gingerbread", Wiki plural = ""
*** Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration", Wiki plural = ""
*** BRICKO octopus: KoLmafia plural = "BRICKO octopodes", Wiki plural = ""
*** Vial of <i>jus de larmes</i>: KoLmafia plural = "vials of <i>jus de larmes</i>", Wiki plural = ""
*** Lobster <i>qua</i> Grill: KoLmafia plural = "pieces of Lobster <i>qua</i> Grill", Wiki plural = ""
*** Bone's Farm "wine": KoLmafia plural = "bottles of Bone's Farm "wine"", KoL plural = "bottles of Bone's Farm "wine""
*** Trivial Avocations Card: What?: KoLmafia plural = "Trivial Avocations Cards: What?", Wiki plural = ""
*** Trivial Avocations Card: When?: KoLmafia plural = "Trivial Avocations Cards: When?", Wiki plural = ""
*** Trivial Avocations Card: Who?: KoLmafia plural = "Trivial Avocations Cards: Who?", Wiki plural = ""
*** Trivial Avocations Card: Where?: KoLmafia plural = "Trivial Avocations Cards: Where?", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #01 (spider): KoLmafia plural = "pog #01s (spider)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #02 (Knob goblin): KoLmafia plural = "pog #02s (Knob goblin)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #04 (skleleton): KoLmafia plural = "pog #04s (skleleton)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #05 (ninja snowman): KoLmafia plural = "pog #05s (ninja snowman)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #07 (orcish frat boy): KoLmafia plural = "pog #07s (orcish frat boy)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #08 (hellion): KoLmafia plural = "pog #08s (hellion)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #09 (pirate): KoLmafia plural = "pog #09s (pirate)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #10 (hobo): KoLmafia plural = "pog #10s (hobo)", Wiki plural = ""
*** PB&BP: KoLmafia plural = "PB&BPs", Wiki plural = "PB&BPs"
*** Drac & Tan: KoLmafia plural = "Dracs & Tans", Wiki plural = "Dracs & Tans"
*** Dark & Starry: KoLmafia plural = "Dark & Starries", Wiki plural = "Dark & Starries"
*** Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog: KoLmafia plural = "Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalogs", Wiki plural = "Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalogs"
*** fountain 'soda': KoLmafia plural = "'fountain' sodas", Wiki plural = "'fountain' sodas"
*** Chef Boy, R&D's business card: KoLmafia plural = "Chef Boy, R&D's business cards", Wiki plural = "Chef Boy, R&D's business cards"
These are all due to a few things:
- &: The wiki seems to encode the & into &, so the matcher probably is checking & against & and finding them to be different.
- ?: Same as above.
- #: The wiki cannot have # in the title as # is used as an anchor, so the text before the # is the title that is hit when mafia sends a request. The actual title names on the wiki are the item names without the #.
- '' and "": I believe the issue here is something to do with there being two of ' or ", as items with a single ' seem to work fine.
- Skillbooks: Some skillbooks have the same item and skill (and effect) name, so the wiki makes the actual item/skill/effect name a disambig and makes the titles append (item), (skill), and (effect) to the end to differentiate. Easiest way to handle is probably to check if the item name has a corresponding skill name and if so, add " (item)" to the end when requesting the wiki's plural.
- <i></i>: Probably another encoding issue.
Thanks for taking the time to fix these.
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