New Content - Implemented Plurals Galore


Note: [wiki checked] means that I checked and the wiki has the same plural as the KoL plural listed.

First, let's start off with what the wiki had correct:
*** Crimboween memo: KoLmafia plural = "Crimboween memos", Wiki plural = "Crimboween memoes"
*** Deactivated O. A. F.: KoLmafia plural = "Deactivated O. A. F.s", Wiki plural = "Deactivated O.A.F.s"
*** Manual of Transcendent Olfaction: KoLmafia plural = "Manuals of Transcendent Olfaction", Wiki plural = "Manual of Transcendent Olfaction"
*** corpse on the beach: KoLmafia plural = "corpses on the beach", KoL plural = "corpses on the beaches" [wiki checked]
*** throwing wrench: KoLmafia plural = "throwing wrenches", KoL plural = "throwing wrenchs" [wiki checked]

Looks like most of those are KoL typos, but that's another topic. Let's move on to new content:
*** Holiday Fun!: KoLmafia plural = "Holiday Fun!s", KoL plural = "Hollandaise Fun!" [wiki checked]
*** fishbone kneepads: KoLmafia plural = "fishbone kneepadss", Wiki plural = "pairs of fishbone kneepads"
*** fishbone fins: KoLmafia plural = "fishbone finss", Wiki plural = "pairs of fishbone fins"
*** filet of The Fish: KoLmafia plural = "filet of The Fishs", KoL plural = "filets of The Fish" [wiki checked]
*** transmission from planet Xi: KoLmafia plural = "transmission from planet Xis", KoL plural = "transmissions from planet Xi" [wiki: transmission from planet Xis]
*** Black Bart's Booty: KoLmafia plural = "Booties of Black Bart's", Wiki plural = "Booties of Black Bart"
*** Xiblaxian xeno-detection goggles: KoLmafia plural = "Xiblaxian xeno-detection goggless", Wiki plural = "pairs of Xiblaxian xeno-detection goggles"
*** dove DNA: KoLmafia plural = "strands of dove DNA", Wiki plural = "strands of Dove DNA"
*** cookie cookie: KoLmafia plural = "cookie cookies", KoL plural = "cookies cookies" [wiki checked]
*** peppermint tailings: KoLmafia plural = "peppermint tailingss", KoL plural = "lumps of peppermint tailings" [wiki checked]
*** sneaky wrapping paper: KoLmafia plural = "sneaky wrapping papers", KoL plural = "rolls of sneaky wrapping paper" [wiki checked]
*** gold tooth: KoLmafia plural = "gold tooths", Wiki plural = "gold teeth"
*** whiskey in a broken glass: KoLmafia plural = "whiskey in a broken glasss", KoL plural = "whiskeys in broken glasses" [wiki checked]
*** shot of mescal: KoLmafia plural = "shot of mescals", KoL plural = "shots of mescal" [wiki checked]
*** glass of herbal tequila: KoLmafia plural = "glass of herbal tequilas", KoL plural = "glasses of herbal tequila" [wiki checked]
*** minin' dynamite: KoLmafia plural = "minin' dynamites", Wiki plural = "sticks of minin' dynamite"
*** even more tinsel: KoLmafia plural = "even more tinsels", Wiki plural = "more strings of tinsel"

Sadly, these were incorrect on both the wiki and mafia:
*** BGE shotglass: KoLmafia plural = "BGE shotglasss", KoL plural = "BGE shotglasses" [wiki: BGE shotglasss]
*** Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration (crumpled): KoLmafia plural = "crumpled copies of Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration", Wiki plural = "crumpled copies of Inigo's Incantation of Inspirat"
*** bottle of fire: KoLmafia plural = "bottle of fires", KoL plural = "bottles of fire" [wiki: bottle of fires]
All of these smell like plurals changing to me.

These ones cannot be (reasonably) checked, but it's worth mentioning:
*** Annual Ascot: KoLmafia plural = "Annual Ascots", Wiki plural = "I am a fish"
*** Jeppson's Malort: KoLmafia plural = "Jeppson's Malorts", Wiki plural = "bottles of Jeppson's Malort"
*** Leapin' Trousers: KoLmafia plural = "Leapin' Trouserss", Wiki plural = "I Am A Fish"
*** Solstice Shield: KoLmafia plural = "Solstice Shields", Wiki plural = "I am a fish"
*** Bee's Knees: KoLmafia plural = "Bee's Kneess", Wiki plural = "glasses of the Bee's Knees"
*** Phonus Balonus: KoLmafia plural = "Phonus Balonuss", Wiki plural = "Phonus Balonii"

For fun, here's the ones that mafia had correct (and the wiki updated):
*** orphan baby yeti: KoLmafia plural = "orphan baby yetis", Wiki plural = "orphan baby yeti"
*** metallic foil cat ears: KoLmafia plural = "metallic foil cat earses", Wiki plural = "metallic foil cat ears"
*** depleted Grimacite shinguards: KoLmafia plural = "depleted Grimacite shinguardss", Wiki plural = "depleted grimacite shinguardss"
*** pig-iron shinguards: KoLmafia plural = "pairs of pig-iron shinguards", Wiki plural = "pig-iron shinguardss"
*** pair of plants: KoLmafia plural = "pairs of plants", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Military Chassis: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Military Chassis", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Really Big Head: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Really Big Head", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Rivet Shocker: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Rivet Shocker", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Mobile Girder: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Mobile Girder", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Camera Claw: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Camera Claw", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Power Arm: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Power Arm", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Power Stapler: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Power Stapler", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Grease Gun: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Grease Gun", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Snow Blower: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Snow Blower", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Candle Lighter: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Candle Lighter", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Rollerfeet: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematic: Rollerfeet", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Sim-Simian Feet: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Sim-Simian Feet", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: High-Speed Fan: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: High-Speed Fan", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Gun Legs: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Gun Legs", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Heavy Treads: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Heavy Treads", Wiki plural = ""

I couldn't check these as the DCDB doesn't have the item listed, and I do not have the item and don't feel like spending meat to get them:
*** Sloppy Seconds Diner Employee Handbook: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Sloppy Seconds Diner Employee Handbook", Wiki plural = "copies of the Sloppy Seconds Diner Employee Handbo"
*** Merc Core Field Manual: Sanity Maintenance: KoLmafia plural = "Merc Core Field Manual: Sanity Maintenances", Wiki plural = "Merc Core Field Manuals: Sanity Maintenance"
*** Merc Core Field Manual: Intimidation Techniques: KoLmafia plural = "Merc Core Field Manual: Intimidation Techniquess", Wiki plural = "Merc Core Field Manuals: Intimidation Techniques"
*** Crimbot schematic: Refrigerator Chassis: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Refrigerator Chassis", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Swiss Arm: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Swiss Arm", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Data Analyzer: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Data Analyzer", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Maxi-Mag Lite: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Maxi-Mag Lite", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Lamp Filler: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Lamp Filler", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Hoverjack: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Hoverjack", Wiki plural = ""
*** Crimbot schematic: Rocket Skirt: KoLmafia plural = "Crimbot schematics: Rocket Skirt", Wiki plural = ""
*** Sister Accessory: KoLmafia plural = "Sister Accessories", Wiki plural = ""

Finally, here are plurals that checkplurals is marking different but they are actually the same on the wiki and are correct in vanilla (I added the italics tags):
*** Item #13: KoLmafia plural = "Items #13", Wiki plural = ""
*** 'Villa' document: KoLmafia plural = "'Villa' documents", Wiki plural = "'Villa' documents"
*** zmobie: KoLmafia plural = "zombeis", Wiki plural = ""
*** 'WILL WORK FOR BOOZE' sign: KoLmafia plural = "'WILL WORK FOR BOOZE' signs", Wiki plural = "'WILL WORK FOR BOOZE' signs"
*** The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder: KoLmafia plural = "copies of The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder", Wiki plural = ""
*** Benetton's Medley of Diversity: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Benetton's Medley of Diversity", Wiki plural = ""
*** Elron's Explosive Etude: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Elron's Explosive Etude", Wiki plural = ""
*** Chorale of Companionship: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Chorale of Companionship", Wiki plural = ""
*** Prelude of Precision: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Prelude of Precision", Wiki plural = ""
*** Hodgman's journal #1: The Lean Times: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Hodgman's journal #1", Wiki plural = ""
*** Hodgman's journal #2: Entrepreneurythmics: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Hodgman's journal #2", Wiki plural = ""
*** Hodgman's journal #3: Pumping Tin: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Hodgman's journal #3", Wiki plural = ""
*** Hodgman's journal #4: View From The Big Top: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Hodgman's journal #4", Wiki plural = ""
*** elven <i>limbos</i> gingerbread: KoLmafia plural = "wafers of <i>limbos</i> gingerbread", Wiki plural = ""
*** Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration: KoLmafia plural = "copies of Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration", Wiki plural = ""
*** BRICKO octopus: KoLmafia plural = "BRICKO octopodes", Wiki plural = ""
*** Vial of <i>jus de larmes</i>: KoLmafia plural = "vials of <i>jus de larmes</i>", Wiki plural = ""
*** Lobster <i>qua</i> Grill: KoLmafia plural = "pieces of Lobster <i>qua</i> Grill", Wiki plural = ""
*** Bone's Farm "wine": KoLmafia plural = "bottles of Bone's Farm "wine"", KoL plural = "bottles of Bone's Farm "wine""
*** Trivial Avocations Card: What?: KoLmafia plural = "Trivial Avocations Cards: What?", Wiki plural = ""
*** Trivial Avocations Card: When?: KoLmafia plural = "Trivial Avocations Cards: When?", Wiki plural = ""
*** Trivial Avocations Card: Who?: KoLmafia plural = "Trivial Avocations Cards: Who?", Wiki plural = ""
*** Trivial Avocations Card: Where?: KoLmafia plural = "Trivial Avocations Cards: Where?", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #01 (spider): KoLmafia plural = "pog #01s (spider)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #02 (Knob goblin): KoLmafia plural = "pog #02s (Knob goblin)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #04 (skleleton): KoLmafia plural = "pog #04s (skleleton)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #05 (ninja snowman): KoLmafia plural = "pog #05s (ninja snowman)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #07 (orcish frat boy): KoLmafia plural = "pog #07s (orcish frat boy)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #08 (hellion): KoLmafia plural = "pog #08s (hellion)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #09 (pirate): KoLmafia plural = "pog #09s (pirate)", Wiki plural = ""
*** pog #10 (hobo): KoLmafia plural = "pog #10s (hobo)", Wiki plural = ""
*** PB&BP: KoLmafia plural = "PB&BPs", Wiki plural = "PB&BPs"
*** Drac & Tan: KoLmafia plural = "Dracs & Tans", Wiki plural = "Dracs & Tans"
*** Dark & Starry: KoLmafia plural = "Dark & Starries", Wiki plural = "Dark & Starries"
*** Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog: KoLmafia plural = "Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalogs", Wiki plural = "Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalogs"
*** fountain 'soda': KoLmafia plural = "'fountain' sodas", Wiki plural = "'fountain' sodas"
*** Chef Boy, R&D's business card: KoLmafia plural = "Chef Boy, R&D's business cards", Wiki plural = "Chef Boy, R&D's business cards"

These are all due to a few things:
  • &: The wiki seems to encode the & into &, so the matcher probably is checking & against & and finding them to be different.
  • ?: Same as above.
  • #: The wiki cannot have # in the title as # is used as an anchor, so the text before the # is the title that is hit when mafia sends a request. The actual title names on the wiki are the item names without the #.
  • '' and "": I believe the issue here is something to do with there being two of ' or ", as items with a single ' seem to work fine.
  • Skillbooks: Some skillbooks have the same item and skill (and effect) name, so the wiki makes the actual item/skill/effect name a disambig and makes the titles append (item), (skill), and (effect) to the end to differentiate. Easiest way to handle is probably to check if the item name has a corresponding skill name and if so, add " (item)" to the end when requesting the wiki's plural.
  • <i></i>: Probably another encoding issue.

Thanks for taking the time to fix these.
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Fixed all of these, except for 4 of the 5 from the first block, which I've sent along to hopefully get fixed on KoL's end.
Maybe you'll have better luck than I did when I bug reported many bogus plurals, including most of those, several months ago.
I received no response, and nothing was fixed.
Also, to be honest, I don't think we should include the "I am a fish" plurals for the various non-tradable items. Maybe whoever entered the item actually entered that to be "cute", but I'd characterize it as "stupid", and don't see the need to reward stupidity.

And also,

*** dove DNA: KoLmafia plural = "strands of dove DNA", Wiki plural = "strands of Dove DNA"

the Wiki may agree with KoL, but that looks like a KoL typo to me; there's no logical (or even funny) reason to capitalize Dove in the plurall when it is not capitalized in the singular. Again, I submitted a bug report a while back about this, which was ignored.
I'm fine with stuff being reverted, though I think something in mafia (maybe checkplurals) should note that "i am a fish" (case-insensitive check probably) is being ignored in that case.
The problem with "i am a fish" as the plural of multiple items can be seen by ItemDatabase.itemIdByPlural, which is a Map going from (canonical) String to Integer. When you look up "i am a fish" in that Map, which item ID do you get? Answer: the last one which was entered with that plural.

Now, it so happens that you cannot find multiple of these items in game, so the player won't actually ever see "You acquire 2 I am a fish" with no way of knowing exactly what it was that was found, but I stand by my statement that entering duplicate plurals in KoL itself was a stupid thing to do. Unless it was the Wiki who has the duplicate plurals, not Kol, in which case, entering duplicate plurals was ... stupid.

I'm going to remove the duplicate plurals. And, I suppose, checkplurals would be the place to print a message saying that we are ignoring it...
KoL has updated crimboween memo, Deactivated O. A. F., Manual of Transcendent Olfaction, and throwing wrench, so mafia has the correct plural for those. I updated the wiki.
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Another one that I reported months ago was:

Essence of Annoyance -> flask of Essence of Annoyance.

"flask", not "flasks", which seems wrong.

Just like my previous bug reports, this one was ignored; I've deferred using the item just so I could check, and this is what just happened:

> /pull? 2 Essence of Annoyance

Would produce: Hagnk's doesn't have that many of your flask of Essence of Annoyance, he's only got 1.

Since they pay closer attention to your bug reports, lost, perhaps you could mention this one, too?

(Although, it doesn't appear that you can actually have more than one of these; the Swagger Shop isn't currently offering me one. Presumably, it is waiting for me to use the other one, so it can show me the new, higher price for the next one.)