opening specific adv/combat in browser


New member
sry new to all this,

i need help to open specific adv in browser or to use spooky putty on a monster and then to use the copys before continuing again..

have been looking for bits of scripting to copy from but haven't found anything that really seems to help..

lifted this from wossname.ash . but don't know how to break this down to use in custom combat

// get those barrels (handles if your CCS puttifies manbearpigs- er, lobsterfrogmen)
obtain(1, "barrel of gunpowder", $location[wartime sonofa beach]);
while (item_amount($item[spooky putty monster]) > 0 && to_monster(get_property("spookyPuttyMonster")) == $monster[lobsterfrogman] &&
item_amount($item[barrel of gunpowder]) < 5) {
use(1,$item[spooky putty monster]);

don't have a clue when it comes to programming so any help would be gratefully received. i know this request is a little cheeky, but i don't even know where to start looking for this stuff

thanks again

the code snipet is using for using the spooky monster (after you have captured it by using a spooky sheet)

you are best looking at the FirstThingsFirst script by zarqon for examples of CCS scripts..
i would probably change use_special_item and after making a condition to check you have a putty sheet (and have not already used it 5 times already) i would
return act(throw_item($item[spooky putty sheet]));

... that would handle the gaining of a spooky putty monster ... as for using the item, thats handled by the script calling adventure() ... (I am assuming this is adventuring from a script) ... a basic loop such as ...
cli_execute("ccs default");
while (my_adventures() > 0) {
    if (item_amount($item[spooky putty monster]) == 0) {
        adventure(1, <<LOCATION>>);
    } else {
        use(1, $item[spooky putty monster]);
... would loop until you are out of adventures, using the spooky putty monster when you had it

don't have a clue when it comes to programming so any help would be gratefully received. i know this request is a little cheeky, but i don't even know where to start looking for this stuff
Asking questions about how to do something isnt cheeky, only asking for an entire script to be completed for you is

If you get stuck try posting the code you have tried, requests with (partial) code usually get more (and better) responses