Feature One Rustic Nightstand with mistress support


Active member
Noticed a potential problem with ChoiceManager.java, line 10820-39. There doesn't seem to be any check for if the mistress has been fought today. Looking through, I also can't seem to find a property that tracks whether the mistress has been fought today. It is FURTHER complicated by the potential of Engorged Sausages and You. That said...

I'd like to request better support for handling the remains of a jilted mistress. This would include a daily boolean preference as well as an additional choice option to check for the book, then fight the mistress, then get moxie.

Also, the section of code mentioned will burn through all remaining turns if one of the ChoiceManager.MISTRESS_ITEMS is a goal and it is not dropped in the only daily fight. A safety should be built in to prevent undesirable behavior.
I'd like to request better support for handling the remains of a jilted mistress. This would include a daily boolean preference as well as an additional choice option to check for the book, then fight the mistress, then get moxie.

That's a weird option to want, since fighting the jilted mistress makes that combination take 2 turns instead of 1 turn like everything else there.
Yeah, but some people want mirrors for the Guy Made of Bees, others want the chintzy jewelry, and so on. Plus, since it's only one a day, it's only 1 extra adventure per day. That's why I was asking for an additional choice of "Book, then mistress, then moxie", rather than replace the sausage->moxie option.

If we could get away with just a tracker, my request would have ended there, but currently there's no run_choice(). (There is a FReq though.) If we want to fight a mistress, we need to parse the page first to make sure we're not missing out on a book.
A new trivial update has been posted: Lord Spookyraven has been retroactively given the ability to have jilted more than one mistress per day.
<facepalm> Well, either that means as many as you can find or just more than one. Let the spading begin!
OK, some spading suggests that there is now no limit it jilted mistresses. So most of this can be withdrawn.

I'll leave it to devs to decide whether any mistress support is to be added. It would be nice to attempt to get a mirror if one is not available. Sausage > mirror (if have none) > moxie. Otherwise just reject it. Thanks anyway ^^
Having the mirror is also handy for use in powerleveling as a mysticallity class. I've resorted to it more than once in Picky runs.
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