I just think that this is a question of being "right" to do it by script.
I see it as the first toot quest shouldn't be scripted but the getting the letter toot quest is obviously not a "once-per-character" thing and can become quite the hassle so that there in terms of "using scripts to reduce the hassle of repeating the task over and over" makes sense.
So... but I'm making hundreds of characters and I need this script to "by-pass" the hassle... (Heh that just makes it sound stupid now doesn't it?)
But if you don't have the time to do the first toot quest then just maybe your not going to have enough time to play all your characters? Unless your already scripting all these characters in which case maybe you should consider "playing" the game

. (Really scripting characters just so you can have more characters... which you also script, is just a bad loop of evil)
Then again all I've been talking about is the "first toot quest" and not about the "getting the letter" but thats because getting the letter has already been "scripted" and posted in here so it was sort of pointless debating that... Anyhow yes more information would be nice ^^.
PS. Take the above messages with a "tongue-in-cheek" manner. >> It's meant to be semi-funny but as usual I fail... badly.
Jacking into Off-topic Convo:
Oh and about that making the greatest farmer/player thing, what would be interesting would just keep that single character on constant scripted farming mode and then compare the end total meat from a character that is being "actively played by a person". Might prove interesting, maybe... (Wait... this has almost nothing to do with that Off-topic Convo...)