No relay override in next fight if something goes wrong


After creating bartender-in-the-box Meat Maid disappeared form "creatable" list. I wanted to check what parts am I missing and tried to "make 1 Meat Maid" in gCLI. "You need 1 more XXX to continue." says mafia and sideframe turns red. I headed to YYY to get YYY and got no pretty fight buttons. However it reappeared on next fight.

This is not the first time I've noticed that "If Something Goes Wrong", relay overrides will not run on next adventure. Can anyone confirm or confute this behavior?
It has long been the case that while kolmafia is in error state, relay over-ride scripts do not execute. a quick click on status refresh in kolmafia will bring kolmafia out of error state.

This is actually at some points preferable to me as it helps me to know when something goes wrong while I am in the relay browser. In turn, when I try to over-eat via the relay browser, then go to the mall to buy a 1 fullness cookie, and my menu is not there I wish it wouldn't happen. 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other.