Nightmist - Tavern (ASH)


Note: Just read the forum standards (Note number 4 about separate scripts), moved from a reply to its own topic.

boolean Baron;
int Oldtophat;
int Oldclip;
int Oldmono;
//Make me true if you "want" to auto-stop when you find the faucet (And then manually finding the baron unless you already fought the baron when faucet finding.)
Baron = false;
Oldtophat = item_amount( $item[Baron Von Ratsworth's tophat])
Oldclip = item_amount( $item[Baron Von Ratsworth's money clip])
Oldmono = item_amount( $item[Baron Von Ratsworth's monocle])
if( baron = false || item_amount( $item[Baron Von Ratsworth's tophat]) == Oldtophat + 1 || item_amount($item[Baron Von Ratsworth's money clip]) == Oldclip + 1|| item_amount( $item[Baron Von Ratsworth's monocle]) == Oldmono + 1)
 cli_execute( "rats.php?action=faucetoff");
 cli_execute( "abort Found faucet and didnt encounter Baron, stopping script. Use rats.php?action=faucetoff when you want to turn off the faucet")

Oh and Note: Untested! (Just wrote that baron stuff in right then, my scripts for that section are exactly the same as cjswimmer posted)