New Content - Implemented New Monsters at Itznotyerzitz Mine


dopey 7-Foot Dwarf	HP: 40 Def: 53 Atk: 53 Meat: 34-48 P: demihuman	miner's helmet (9)
sleepy 7-Foot Dwarf	HP: 40 Def: 53 Atk: 53 Meat: 34-48 P: demihuman	miner's pants (9)
grumpy 7-Foot Dwarf	HP: 40 Def: 58 Atk: 58 Meat: 34-48 P: demihuman	7-Foot Dwarven mattock (9)
7-Foot Dwarf Foreman	HP: 50 Def: 57 Atk: 57 Meat: 49-70 P: demihuman	miner's helmet (30)	miner's pants (30)	7-Foot Dwarven mattock (30)
ninja snowman assassin	HP: 1 Def: 135 Atk: 135 E: cold P: elemental	Ninja rope (n100)	Ninja crampons (n100)	Ninja carabiner (n100)

1 HP for the ninja snowman assassin is not a typo. Drop rates are still approximate, but they are pretty close and hence helpful.
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Staff member
Looking at the source data and considering what we know about KoL, 10% seems more likely.

Where did the attack/defense numbers come from? They don't match the wiki (even if you assume that one set accounted for the 90% adjustment and the other did not), and I haven't seen data anywhere.


Fixed attack/defense to match the wiki. (My only mistake was the grumpy dwarf.) For defense, wiki's value is always 90% of ours as you suspected.

The drop rates are currently estimated at 9% because there were previously three items per dwarf at 3% each. 3 times 3 = 9. I believe I heard that someone in dev mentioned that was done so it is almost certainly not 10% despite it being KoL. In the very old days Jick had not yet developed his affection for powers of 5.

Drop rates for the 7-Foot Dwarf Foreman are less certain.


Staff member
9% isn't really equivalent to 3x3% when you're using a slimeling (the optimal familiar for speeding up getting the outfit), but I can understand how Jick would overlook that detail.

Monsters added in 11357.

The 7-Foot Dwarf no longer exists (it was overwritten in a fax machine with a foreman, by KoL). I don't know if that means it should be removed, or if it should be left in for historical reasons.


Staff member
We can leave it in monsters.txt. There are plenty of old Crimbo monsters there to keep it company. There just won't be a zone in combats.txt that points to it.