Bug - Not A Bug New item - Uncle Crimbo's Sack


Active member
4929 421141114 Uncle Crimbo's Sack

4929 Uncle Crimbo's Sack usable display 0


Active member
Because the last time this question came up "bug" was the category for new content, though there was some discussion on making a new category for content addition. I can use FReq if you prefer though.


Active member
I used bug in my report back when, in lack of a "new content" tag. I think that would be a good addition.

Also, Mafia not recognising a new item can be seen as a bug (it doesn't do something it is generally supposed to do), but also as a feature (this new thing that has been added is not yet supported) and while I think that areas and suchlike are more in the feature category I'm not so sure about missing items. They end up in the middle for me which makes it hard to choose. A quick search gave nothing in regards to a guideline for this which might be nice to have (and might already be there, just that my searching skills suck...) :)


Active member
Well, searching for "new content" gives me the following, in this forum (Bug/Features) over the last ~6 months:
Bug - Fixed missing reanimated skeleton info
Bug - Fixed The travelling trader trades Tacos (Fluxxdog reiterated the need for a 'New Content' tag to differentiate from bugs in this thread)
Bug Level 6 redone (Fluxxdog mentioned the need for a 'New Content' tag to differentiate from bugs in this thread)

All 3 were regarding new content being added to the game, only 1 of the 3 was from me, all 3 were actually implemented, and in none of those three was the tag questioned (though Fluxxdog mentioned that the new tag would make less of a shock on the 2 older tags)...

Regarding you asking why in any reason, in threads marked 'bug' over the last ~6 months, I found the following:
Bug Dusty Bottles automatically made a goal (You asked why the goals being set was a bug, not related to new content)

Admittedly, the post searcher only displays the first three lines, and "why" can't be searched for as it's too common, but... that's the limits of my searching abilities. The standard from the searching with the posts above and the board in general appears to be to tag new content with bug currently, since it generates exceptions to the mafia data files, causing overrides and large groups of people posting bug reports 3-4 months later when people's scripts that involve new IotMs and the like are generating errors because they need to update clear again...

However, as I said, if you prefer me to use FReq in the future on it, I can. It just doesn't seem to have been the 'standard' tag for it. In my admittedly limited experience. We're hampered in knowing which you/Jason prefer by that, when you have new content, you generally just implement it, you don't need to post that it exists.


Staff member
You can do what you want.

But, philosophically, if KoLmafia code is working correctly as designed and Kol adds something that KoL does not support yet, did it suddenly develop a bug? Especially for new items: I worked very hard to make it generate data overrides to allow it to recognize and operate with them as if they were already built in - modulo KoL adding new mechanics, or the KoLmafia user inserting bugs into their copy of the code that broke data overrides. I worked my butt off adding overrides so that KoLmafia could handle the addition of "simple" items without the user noticing.

The new item you reported is the simplest of the simple: there is nothing whatsoever about it that isn't handled by the fields in the data files. In other words, if you have one in your inventory and KoLmafia writes a data override for it, KoLmafia will operate with the new item completely seamlessly and you won't even notice it. And that is why calling this, of all things, a "bug" is somewhat insulting.

I agree that we should have a New Content tag.


Staff member
In the absence of a Request for New Content tag, I declare that from henceforth and forever more all requests for support for new content will be entered as Feature Requests. The category of Bug will be reserved for reports when the post clearly indicates what Kolmafia does, or does not do, and what, in the opinion of the poster, KoLmafia should do instead.



Active member
Agreed, unless a New Content tag is added. Until then, I'll use FReq though in the future. :) Sorry for making you annoyed, Veracity.