boolean cli_cmd(string command, string parameter)
- Executes the named CLI command with the given parameter.
Since ash automatically coverts parameters to strings I could use the ash command cli_cmd("concert", $effect[Winklered]);
This might seem unnecessary since we have the command cli_execute(), but I admit that cli_execute() does the same purpose, but it does have an advantage for the ASH programmer. One of the many reasons I prefer ash to cli is that it validates the program before execution so that small errors like typos are caught. Unfortunately cli has none of that. I'm not suggesting that cli_cmd() would check the parameter for validity since that would be a rather troublesome snarl, but it should check the command to see if it is a valid cli command. After that, the fact that many parameters are items or effects would provide some validation checking for the scripter.
I hope that the devs would not think that this feature would be more troublesome to create than it's value is worth.
- Executes the named CLI command with the given parameter.
Since ash automatically coverts parameters to strings I could use the ash command cli_cmd("concert", $effect[Winklered]);
This might seem unnecessary since we have the command cli_execute(), but I admit that cli_execute() does the same purpose, but it does have an advantage for the ASH programmer. One of the many reasons I prefer ash to cli is that it validates the program before execution so that small errors like typos are caught. Unfortunately cli has none of that. I'm not suggesting that cli_cmd() would check the parameter for validity since that would be a rather troublesome snarl, but it should check the command to see if it is a valid cli command. After that, the fact that many parameters are items or effects would provide some validation checking for the scripter.
I hope that the devs would not think that this feature would be more troublesome to create than it's value is worth.