Perhaps you should reread the first post? One of your complaints is specifically called out as a user responsibility and one you are told will happen and what to change if you want something else. You might also consider your audience. The last commit was April 20, 2016.
Like Frono said, you can set your zlib nemesis_farm to false. That will stop the script before the assassins. It could be set up to give you a prompt if you want to farm or stop I guess. Survival is always your responsibility

(aka: It would way to much coding for the number of people it could actually help).
Thank you for letting me know about this setting.
I might have phrased myself poorly. I know it is a feature to meatfarm, I am saying it is a bad feature. At the very least it shouldn't be the default.
As for survival being my responsibility.
1. that is all well and good, but the script should abort when beaten up, or at least when beaten up twice in a row.
2. that refers to being powerful enough to win fights, it specifically says
Surviving combats is your responsibility. This generally won't be a problem if you do this after breaking the prism. Simply make sure that the way Mafia is setup for combat when you launch the script is good enough to survive the Poop Deck (although you don't really need to win fights there), or the farming location (if you didn't setup nemesis_farm_CCS).
The issue I reported is the script doing wrong things against a
puzzle fight. The mariachis are puzzle enemies not normal fights. You can be level 100 and the script will still lose to them. other marichis can transform into an alert mariachi.
An alert mariachi insta kills you if it is allowed to act and has an initiative of 300. And you don't even need to defeat a mariachi, only pickpocket one before losing. To defeat one you need to win initiative and then kill them in 1 hit, and killing them means not pickpocketing them which means you are not achieving the goal of the quest.
Going after the alert mariachi instead of the sleepy mariachi is the script making an error. Going after him with a melee weapon that gives a huge malus is even worse. As is going after him without sufficient initiative to pickpocket him is an error.
Anyways, if this script is no longer being actively developed I will see about fixing it myself and then sharing the result.