My CLI is really bugging out!


New member
This morning, I went to run my daily script in Mafia 10.6, but instead of running through like normal, it hit a snag. It changed outfits okay, then it equipped the meat detector using the ASH equip() function, but then aborted saying equip was not a valid namespace function.

So I edited my script to use the CLI equip function. It did the same thing. So I just commented it out. Tried to run it again, but this time it stopped at changing into my adventuring outfit, saying outfit was not a valid namespace function.

It's odd that it only started doing this this morning. It hadn't done this before, and I've been using essentially the same script for about two weeks now (a few tweaks here or there).

I also noticed that while in CLI mode, the wait function isn't actually waiting. It'll just output X seconds remaining over and over really fast. Is this issue new? If so I really hope there's a fix in 10.7. I didn't notice it constantly refreshing the status for about 5 minutes. I feel bad about hammering the server like that. Normally I have it wait 120 seconds before refreshing to see if a buff's been cast.
The "wait" bug is mentioned in the KoL forums. I have no idea what's causing your namespace issues without seeing the script.
actual CLI, but I've tried this in the graphical CLI to the same effect.

I just type: startup.ash to run it.

It seems that daily build 3113 has cleared this problem up.