MuseumStockUp v1.0 (Updated)

::Removed due to being outdated::
Okay. This script is ready to roll out.

Updates said:
- I figured out a way to check for unassigned item numbers "on the fly." So there is no need to hardcode those checks in. Consequently, I have written the script to check up to item number 3000, so it should be handy for a good long while. Although, it is still limited to mafia's database. If the DB is not up to date, the script will not be as well.

- I cleaned up the logic handling a bit. Made the script more efficient.

- I added in support for stores now

Now on with the show!

[size=20pt]WARNING:[/size] You must (still) open the display case manually first to get the script to function properly. Or else it will try to double up your display case amounts.

There are 6 "user defined" functions at the beginning of the script:

havemuseum(): Default is true. You can set to false if you do not have a display case.
museumquant(): Default is 1. The amount of each item you want in your display case.
closetquant(): Default is 10. The amount of each item you want to save in your closet.
havestore(): Default is false. You can set it to true if you have a store.
sellprice(): Default is 0. The selling price of ALL the items you place in your store with this script. (0 sets it to match your current price if you have one, or 999999999 if you do not.)
selllimit(): Default is 0. The selling limit of ALL the items you place in your store with this script.

The script goes through each item one by one. It tries to put museumquant (or greater*) into your display case. It then tries to put closetquant (or greater*) into your closet. If you have anything left over, it put all the remaining into your store (if you have one, and have configured the script properly).

(*I say or greater because the script will not remove any items from your display case, or closet.)

There is still the "bug" where mafia thinks it places your quest items into your display case... But that is alright because it keeps the script from placing them in your closet.

